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Shaking and starting to sob again Hoodie stared through his tears at Jack.

He could hardly believe it. The man he missed for over two months was holding him again, was there for him when Hoodie needed him the most, was right where Hoodie and Masky had predicted.

Coughing up more blood Jack held Hoodie's weak body in a strong grip.

"Shh, it's okay, it's okay, it will be okay, you'll be fine," Jack continued to say in a ceaseless way, soundings as if he was trying to convince himself more then Hoodie.

Jack felt his heart break as he listened to his better half cry, his blood an over powering stench in the air. Inside Jack's emotions fought like Cerberus tearing a living creature into shreds.

Anger, sadness, fear, longing.

Anger towards the other cannibal for daring to even touch his beloved stargazer. Sadness for the condition Jack found Hoodie in, and for leaving like he had. Fear, because Hoodie was bleeding at an alarming rate. But also wanting, needing, missing his better half like he had lost part of himself.

Helping Hoodie back onto his haunches Jack pulled him into a tight hug, trying to be careful about the wounds inflicted.

It was clear Hoodie did not care for them for he held onto Jack like it was the end. Which he truly had believed it so not even two minutes ago. "Jack, Jack, on my life Jack!" Hoodie cried, trying to get himself together but his pain and emotions were so scattered that he was having immense difficulty.

"I'm right here, it's okay I'm right here," Jack hummed and comforted Hoodie, feeling his anger increase and longing decrease. But he was scared, terrified with the amount of wounds Hoodie had received. They needed to be attend to now.

"Sit back, sit back Brian," Jack said, trying to keep his own voice steady, as he gently placed Hoodie against the wall.

The other cannibal moaned and coughed across the room, slowly pushing herself up.

"Let me take this off," Jack continued to say and carefully pulled the yellow, blood soaked sweatshirt off. Hoodie moaned in pain and kept a hand clenched on Jack, scared Jack would disappear again. Getting the sweatshirt off Jack began tearing it into strips, working fast.

"I, I, Jack I," Hoodie panted, trying to talk.

"Shh, Don't talk, everything will be okay," Jack said as he worked. Taking a few strips he first wrapped up the bite mark on Hoodie's arm, earning a scream of pain from the proxy. Jack felt awful but it need to be done. It made him sick to feel so much of Hoodie's blood on his hands.

Noticing the other cannibal slowly getting up Jack forced Hoodie to take the ribbons that was once his sweatshirt. "Wrap up your wounds. Brian please, wrap up your wounds the best you can."

Hoodie started to shake his head, hiccuping and trying to breathe, his eye glued on Jack. "Don't go, please don't go, don't leave me."

"I'm not, I'm not I promise, here," Jack set his hand on Hoodie's shaking hand. "Take care of yourself, I'll sew you up as soon as I'm done. Okay? Trust me."

Hoodie sat a moment before slowly nodding, his face twisted up in pain and fear.

Taking off his mask Jack lightly kissed Hoodie's cheek before slowly standing up, giving the other cannibal his attention.

Anger and fury and hatred built up like a cloud piecing tower within Jack. Growling darkly, deeply in the back of his throat he stalked over to the woman, his whole figure tense with rage. Producing a fearsome sound Jack grabbed hold of the woman and held her up by her collar, her ebony hair shimmering down behind her.

Nursery Rhymes (Hoodie x E. Jack)Where stories live. Discover now