Evil curse( part 2)

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Tyson's pov.

I was waiting for Darl to come. Suddenly I heard footsteps. I saw some EAH students going to enchanted forest, weird! Didn't headmaster tell them to stay away from trouble? Maybe they are like us and we are after same goal. While I was thinking, they were gone, but Darl came instead.

Darlene- D
Tyson- T

D- Did something happen while I was missing? Sorry, had to make excuse for Bella.

T- It's ok, and yeah something happened... Group of students went to forest...

D- That's kinda weird! Wait! What if one of them is the one who made EVIL QUEEN escape!

T- You're right! But, what should we do now?

D- Let's follow them! Maybe they'll find a way to EVIL QUEEN!

T- You're right, let's go!

We went after students, luckily they weren't to far away and we could reach them. We hid behind trees, so we won't be noticed.

Reina's pov.

Aagghh! How much can we possibly walk! My legs are hurting, and my ears too! Cause Ethan is talking, more like annoying me so much! I swear that I am gonna kill that guy!

Reina- RE
Ethan- E
Ray- R
Ann- A
Claire- C
Hender- H
Siera- S

RE- Can you please shut up for two seconds?!

E- NNOO! My duty is to annoy you!

RE- Aaaggghhh! Can we relax a little?

H- No, we need to work untill it becomes dark. Some animals may hear us!

C- Not only animals... After our parent's graduation, there was war in the forest. Many mistical creatures started to fight with normal ones. Legends vs Fairy tales! Many people died trying to stop war and many were brave enough to bring victory! Fairy tails won in the end, but many mistical creatures are still hiding here, waiting for revenge!

S- Weird, but it's kinda cool! So now a 3 headed dog might eat us?

C- It is kinda possible...

A- But aren't there, I don't know, guards to save us?! No?!

H- Government thinks that forest is just a place where animals are situated. Nothing more nothing less. They forgot about war and don't think that people actually leave here. They think there is no point of having guards in place that doesn't bring money...

R- That's terrible! They do realize that most exotic animals live here? They need protection!

C- The problem is that they do understand that exotic animals leave here. They kill hundred of them to make love potions, young potion and other kinds. Also our trees are magical. Things that are made of this trees can give you abilities. For example if you cut meat with wooden knife from this forest, your meat will be more delicious. 

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