New girl, new problem

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Bella's pov.

Belaa- B
Jason- J

B- Jason?!

J- Yeah, hi Bel.

B- Hi! Sorry for meeting me in an interesting way, are you sure that I am not dreaming after cookies?

J( laughs )- Well, I may be many girl's dream, but you are 100% not dreaming!

B( giggles )- Same old Jason! I missed you! Why are you here?

J- I was supposed to go here, then I went to trip and kinda lost track of time...

B( giggles )- Nothing can't hold brave Jason dragon slayer from adventures!

J ( blushes)- Umm, yeah! Wanna hang out? I don't mean a date, just uhh, catch up, you now? I asked Ash to join, but he said that he has a date with his girlfriend...

B( blushes a little )- We can! Wait?! Ash has a girlfriend! My Dashton feels!!!! I need to take pictures to add in my scrapbook! 

J- Ok... You need to relax! Let's go?

B- Sure!

WOW, today was crazy day! But at least I saw Jason! Yay! With that thought, we went to park, oh he is so cute. After 2 hours of walking and laughing, it was time to say goodbye. I didn't want to, but I can see him again, right?

B- Well, I had a good time, thanks again!

He touched my cheek and I felt blush appearing in my space, why did he do that?

B- Why did you do that?

J- You had ice-cream on your face, remember? We ate a while ago...

B- Oh! Yeah... Thanks again, bye Jason!

J- Bye Bella...

Today was one of best days ever! I mean, my friend came! I went to dorm to see Darl sleeping, yay, she came back! I need to say sorry when she wakes up.

Darlene's pov.

I woke early in the morning, Bella was already awake, good! I still can't believe Jason's overprotectiveness! Aaaggghh! Well, but he had a reason, I think... I noticed that Bell is happier and I decided to break the ice between us!

Bella- B
Darlene- D

D- What's with happy face?

B- You are awake! Sorry, for being hursh! I didn't mean to...

D- Relax! I know that you didn't, now tell me about that smile on your face!

B( blushes )- Your brother and I walked in a park together yestersay...

D- Wow, wow, so you went on a date with mh bro without telling me?! 

B( blushes)- It's wasn't a date! He wanted to ask Ash to catch up too, but he had a date!

D- Wait, Ash had a date?! You and my brother will be going out, Liz is in love with Ash, Ash has a girlfriend, am I only left out?!

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