Chapter - 12 The Lovely Twist

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This was interesting and I was just done with a show and came home to a surprise for the very first time in my life something happened in a different way.....

It was around 12:36 am and I was heading back home sitting on the passenger seat of our car when my sister was driving me back home I had a friend request on my page I had no idea who it was but I accepted the request. I don't hate anybody but if I had a reason to I might not consider contacting them ever again. Now I was home took off my shoes freshened up opened up the page to find out who it was but I already had a message saying "Hi" I was shocked for a while I then replied "Hi who's this" for a while there was no reply but after sometime I had a reply but it wasn't mentioning who it was Rather it said "How are you and your family". I got pissed off I replied "who the hell are you stop playing with me or I might sue you". Then I had a reply saying "I'll tell you who I am if you do a favour for me". I replied "Whatever" then after a while I got a text saying "Block the account that she used to talk to me with". I went monkey on this person and said "I ain't doing it because I had too much memories in it".Then I got a reply saying "It's me can't you recognise who this is after all we've been through". I didn't do anything except smile I knew who it was and by the way I knew who it was since the first message I knew it was her. I have this pure understanding of the way how people text me when someone texts me ones for a long time I capture how they text for the next time. I then said "Hi Beautiful how are you". She got really mad and replied back saying "So it took this much time for you to find out this was me". I said "yes" then she some how convinced me to block that other account anyhow I had to do it since I was told that her father took hold of that account. I asked her where she was and which place she was stay at then she said that she was on a tour with the people from school and staying in a hotel. Hmm let me guess I have a lot of money now that I'm gonna be wasting on nothing I made a really good plan and you already know what it is. I took off saying hey mom I got a show somewhere I have to be tomorrow so I wanted to leave I got myself a few clothes and packed everything got the 3:35am plane to the place where she was. I mean I could've done a show by that time but I got a few friends over there so I just thought it might be a good excuse so I can tell them I came to meet them but actually I was going to meet her I called my friends told them I'm gonna be coming over and told them I'm gonna be staying at the exact same hotel as she is. I know they asked me why but I said I didn't wanna bother them as I reached I had the exact same timetable as the spots she was touring. As I reached there by 5:30am my friends picked me up and took me to the spots where I said and yes the exact same spot where ever they were going. I'm not stalking her of course I mean she's my fiancé so I can go where ever she goes. The first spot we went she was wearing a red dress all day bright enough to capture my eyes I made sure she didn't see me but I could see her then I went back to the hotel where they were staying some of her friends saw me but didn't recognise who I was so I had no problem. In this hotel these people said they had no normal rooms but only the suits available at that time. I was like seriously bruh no normal rooms but whatever fine what else do you have I asked. They said they had The Happy suite I asked them how much it was and it wasn't cheap and it wasn't made out of panda they said it was 5000/- INR. but I had no other choice I wanted to be near her. Guys have this weird thing with their girls they want them to be theirs and to be with them at any point so I took the room well the room was fancy and well lit I then went out to the Balcony it wasn't really a balcony it was a freaking terrace I could've driven an bicycle in that place and I look over the ledge and there she was standing outside with her friends as her beautiful hair was waving in the air. Suddenly she took her phone and started texting somebody and the positive side of suite rooms free internet. I saw my laptop blinking I knew what exactly she was gonna ask I instantly replied I have no shows for three days I'm staying home. We were chatting all night it was kinda funny I could've knocked on her door and spoke to her but I didn't nah this is a relationship not a chitty chitty bang bang movie so yes I was there all along if you wanna know I was looking and I didn't wanna make it complicated thus her and I was back again. The next three days I went where ever she went with my friends if guys hang out after a long time there might be a lot of booze cigarettes and coffee it did happen in my case we did produce a track during the time and we named it The Travel.

That's all for now until next time keep in touch like and support as you guys always do thank you for keeping up and waiting this long see you all next time


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