Part - 18 The Biggest Fight

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Alright before I start my story everyone has to know the truth about the way of my stability while writing about her. I get wasted I get so fucking drunk and I type what I have to every time.

We usually start fighting before every conversation it used to be a very small fight but after she blocked me off her account. I was sure I'm not adding her back again we had ego going on each other's side on who accept's who first which ended up in a huge fight after she saw my whole profile and the posts which weren't private. She saw a few posts which mentioned first love, First kiss and a lot more When I got online when I was busy with shows out of town and it was already 12:45am I checked my inbox the first word that is the first message in my inbox was by her and it mentioned you bastard. I went from 100-0 really quick I replied her what did I do and is this a wrong text who's messing with you? She replies really quick like You said I was your first and what the fuck do you mean by your posts before with first love and kiss?. I was really pissed off I didn't realise that I was doing a show I started playing really violent music which were really inappropriate at that point. I explained to her about my point of view towards bikes and it was that time I owned my first bike and my first kiss was at that same evening when I kissed my new bike and celebrated getting it. She didn't seem to be buying it now began the unreasonable fights. I hate it when people start talking about my dad I'd probably end up breaking their face or something else before they even realise. I was still calm with her because you know I loved her the only reason I had to be calm was that. She started mouthing really bad things after that I was still talking like I had my shit together when I knew that this relationship is going through the poop hole but I still loved her. Now she starts talking about other guys I was like what?? don't I have anything that they do?? okay fine you know what the fuck I'm gonna do I'm gonna talk to your mom I'm gonna come to your home and look at your mom in her face and show her my phone or my laptop with the texts between me and you. I don't wanna be your bitch anymore I've never been anybody's bitch I might have made other's my bitch but I've never been a bitch before. Then she started talking to a friend of mine who is a girl I trusted everything with and the girl who sleeps to me singing every night to her this was a relationship it wasn't like a boyfriend girlfriend it was kinda bff relationship. She tells my friend about there's nothing wrong with her but the things I've been doing was pretty wrong now I told my friend while she already knew about my character she still tries to convince me saying stupid shit. I was like you wanna support her go be with her you wanna be my friend stay right here support me she didn't reply and that was the last day we spoke to each other end of bff gone forever. Now we wanted to solve our problems we tried to but when it got over rated again it broke down into pieces like so tiny that can not be fixed ever.......

That's it for now until next time.. show your love comment and support the book sharing always helps thank you very much and see you all next time until then....


Your Loving,


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