Avengers Initiative

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The ringing in my ears pierces my thoughts like nails on a chalkboard. I can't hear myself speak, I can't hear myself think. But I can't afford to think. I need to act. I need to do something to stop any danger from entering the spaceship. Blinking multiple times in attempt to remove the dust from my vision, my hearing slowly echoes back, as I hear footsteps thud around besides me. I spot two blurred figures, Stark and Rogers, pushing each other out of the room. Romanoff and Banner have fallen through the floor, Thor and Fury lie next to me, barely conscious.

Where have the other two gone? They won't have ran, they'll have a plan, I'm sure of it. I splutter to remove the dust from my throat, and stretch an arm out towards my blade, I snatch it into my hands as it screeches against the floor, and slowly rise from the ground, spitting bits of dust off my tongue.

"All agents to stations." My hearing returns, as I hear the intercom project throughout the entire jet. Men and women begin rushing around in panic, searching for shelter, or weapons to defend themselves.

"Hill?" Fury shoots up into a sitting position, waiting to hear back from his second agent. The agents Loki has shouldn't be a problem, the problem is the lengths Loki has controlled them to go to, would he force them to kill in order to grant his escape? Is he willing to kill everyone on board? "Coulson, initiate defensive lock down in the detention center!" He shouts again, before looking around the room. "Romanoff?"

"She fell through!" I shout over the chaos, as the automatic doors open and close, what with them being jammed between broken science equipment. Fury stares at me, evidently concerned for the assassin now stuck underground with Bruce. "The agents are on their way in, can you buy us some time to fix the engines?"

"Copy that." I answer immediately, shooting out of the lab, and down the corridors full of panicked agents, who clearly have not had a drill like this in some time. I yell at everyone to move out of the way, or lock themselves in any room they can find as I move towards the control center. Agent Hill yells commands down her earpiece, I almost bump into her if I hadn't slowed in order to grab her shoulder. 

"I need to know where every entrance is into the spaceship!" I puff, feeling slightly out of breath. 

"You're not authorized-"

"We are being attacked! Fury has given me a direct order to buy us some time now will you help me or not?!"

"You two!" She indicates towards two agents positioned in front of a large monitor, attempting at a rapid speed to put as many firewalls up to protect their data. They motion me over quickly, barely taking their eyes off the screen to look in my direction. I run towards them, as they gather every security camera they still have online "These are the only ones up and running."

"How much time can you buy?"

"Couple of minutes at most"

"Eris!" Thor comes flying towards me, his face dusty from the ruins of the lab. "Is this his attack?"

"I'm trying to buy us some time but there's not much I can do!"

"How can I help?"

"I just need to override the headquarters systems and hit the mainframe, they shouldn't be able to get inside unless they-"

A God almighty roar echoes from further down the helicarrier. I straighten up, my heart pounding, knowing exactly what that sound means. 

Banner has unleashed the Hulk. 

 My heart speed increases when I realize that he wasn't the only one who fell through the floor. "Romanoff." I whisper, looking towards Thor. "She's dead if Banner catches her."

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