A Name

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I awoke properly the next morning, with my necklace missing. I had gone to sleep with it, and it's gone. It's like sleeping with earrings in, only to find them in your pillow or another bizarre place. Eugene I could sense had been up for hours before me, which then became evident when as soon as I walked into the oversized kitchen, a large mutt pounded towards me, its tongue hanging loosely out of its mouth.

I grimace, as my morning wash was no longer needed, given the saliva that now glistened on my face.

"Sleep well?" Eugene grinned, holding a bowl closely up to his mouth, as milk drips off his chin.

"Well enough" I push the Husky back onto the ground, and search through the cupboards "You need to give it a name if it's staying"

Eugene gasps, rushing over to cover the dog's ears "You can't call her 'it'!" He pulls her closer to him "That's just bloody rude"

"It's not like she can understand you"

"Don't run before you can walk"

"That doesn't even make sense in this context" I scoff, pick up a few pieces of fruit and begin chopping them into smaller pieces. After New York, I had found myself eating healthier than I had been previously. Starting the day off with fruit often put me in a good mood, and then I would meditate, and clear my mind, so I would have a fresh mindset for the day ahead. Looking out of the window, and out towards the clear blue sky and scorching sun, Malibu seems like the perfect place for that.

"How about Jana?"


"It was a name of a British show I used to watch. They had a cheetah called Jana" I grin, and switch my gaze between Eugene and the Husky.

"She's nothing like a cheetah"

"But she will be, won't you girl?" At that, the dog jumped up onto his lap, and began to pound his face with kisses.

"Jana it is" I nod, before heaving myself onto one of the swivelling bar chairs around the island "Any news on the girl?" I questions, before popping a piece of kiwi into my mouth.

"She'll recover" He shrugs "That's as much as I'm getting out of Bella"

My mind wanders to the housekeeper. Bella. Why was she living under a false name? She knew I would catch out on her lies, so why attempt to deceive me? I suppose that's a question I should be asking later "Have you seen my necklace?"

Eugene nods, wandering over to another counter top, and picking it up from a very well hidden corner "I kept rolling on it last night, so I moved it"

"You could have just kept it in my room" I raise an eyebrow, but as no questions "I should go and get dressed" I jump down from the seat, and place my bowl in the sink. When I turn, Jana is sat at my feet, looking up at me with an (although I hate to admit it) adorable expression "Eugene's that way" I point to the hallway Eugene had disappeared down, and wait for her to follow my direction. She doesn't, and instead stays sat down "Fine" I groan, rolling my eyes and wandering off down the hallway. Jana, unsurprisingly, followed.

Quickly throwing on my jeans, an oversized t-shirt and a blazer, I make my way through the house, and back towards the room the girl was staying in, my mind curiously lingering on how long it would take her to wake. Eugene I hear, is already in there before I arrive. Glaring at Jana as I trip over her, I listen closely

"Why am I a prisoner?" The girl's voice sounds weak, but defensive.

"You're not a prisoner, you just can't leave right now"

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