At Least It's Not Aliens

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Loki. Loki is here. In apartment. The London apartment. He was stood by the window. Staring at me. But Eugene was completely unaware. His eyes never left mine, even as Eugene rushed around in front of him, searching for a file he had misplaced as soon as we had arrived. Loki's hair was a mess, not slicked back the way I had seen him last. I want to go to him. I want to wrap my arms around him and refuse to let him leave again. But I can't. My feet remain planted firmly on the carpet, refusing to move an inch further.

"This is a bloody nightmare" A pillow flies into my view, forcing me to take my eyes off Loki for a split second. When I glance back towards the figure. But he's gone. Just like that "I left it right- AH HA!" I snap my attention towards my brother, as he flings a file up into the air, a triumphant expression upon his face "I knew it was around here somewhere"

"You mean it was where you left it?" I roll my eyes, snapping my thoughts away from the man who was a world away.

Eugene gives a sarcastic laugh "You're hilarious, honestly, you should be a comedian"

"Can't, sorry" I shrug "Saving the Cities from aliens really does take up most of my schedule" He glances towards me out of the corner of his eye, shaking his head slightly "So, what do English people do at this time of day?"

"They're usually out and about, going into a few bars, the usual"Eugene steps up to the window, brushing back the curtain slightly so he can take a peek outside. Loki had been stood there about a minute ago.

No, he wasn't there. It was just my imagination. He's in Asgard. Probably locked up. I grip onto the Rainbow bridge necklace, and stalk towards the fridge.

"It's a little early for booze don't you think?" Eugene comments without turning around

"It's been a long day"

"You've been with me all day"

"Exactly" I slump onto the couch, and sip quietly on the can of beer. No one in the apartment building noticed that we were intruding into someone's home. Fortunately, Eugene took the liberty of checking ahead, noting that the owners of the apartment were away for the weekend, and wouldn't be returning until the following week. I've been watching Eugene like a hawk, knowing he'll leave a mess wherever he goes. I'd like to keep a low profile whilst we're here breaking into someone's apartment, waiting for signs of supernatural activity and then going to see what their problem is. Yeah, low profile.

"What kind of idiot would leave their bank wide open with no security?"

"I can imagine you doing something like that" My brain rings with alarm, pictures of red flashing lights, screaming people, with objects falling out of a large stone building. The supernatural activity.

"Gee, thanks, there's me thinking you were-"

"Bank of England" I shoot up off the couch, and grab my denim jacket "That's where it's going to happen"

"How do you-"

"Just trust me" The TV that we had playing lowly in the background screams with a 'BREAKING NEWS' story. The images within my mind replay onto the screen. Falling objects, screaming people, and officers surrounding the building.

"Alright, let's go" I grab onto his arm, and we teleport into the Bank of England. With the alarms going off already, there's no need for any security to detect our presence. The place is a mess. The office we entered has it's desk upside down, filing cabinets toppled over, and piles of paperwork lying crumpled on the ground. The lights flicker, but all is silent, the only sound being the screams and sirens from the many floors below.

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