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Stark managed to call for his jet just hours after the Hydra revelation took place. He offered to take the rest of us back to the city, but we refused, having already created and agreed to a plan of our own. It was easy, really, after we had discussed every possible outcome after the collapse of Shield, the others were in no hurry to be anywhere near Washington, just in case they decided to begin hunting down anyone that had aided Shield in any way. 

Frank had taken Jana for a run across the beach as I attempt to help Lucy create a shield for when she needs to protect herself. Thinking about it, although I can create an electric shield, it's dangerous for anyone I'm protecting to be close to me, just in case I manage to electrocute them accidentally. Whereas Lucy can protect those behind her, without causing damage... that is, when she has full control. 

"I can't do it!" Lucy grows, smashing her fists into the ground, and almost immediately regretting it when she winces. "It's too hard!"

"You've just got to put your mind to it." I remind her, resting my feet against a balancing block, keeping a close eye on her as she attempts to create another shield around the training room. 

"I've been putting my mind to it for three hours!"

"And you're going to keep putting your mind to it until you can create this shield without my help."

"You've had your powers longer than I have!"

"And in that time you've destroyed buildings in London, became a fugitive, and now staying in a house with other fugitives." Lucy moves her lips to argue, but instead, decides against it, and turns back around to concentrate. "Just try again."

"Show me." Lucy demands. "I meant, can you please show me again?"

"That's more like it." I grin, shooting into a standing position, and standing beside her "The trick is to concentrate, you want to protect whatever's inside this shield. The more determined you are the more chance you're likely to succeed." 

"But I've-"

Just close your eyes." She follows my instructions "Who is inside this shield?"

"You, me, a boxing ring-"

"No. You're in a war zone. Your family are here, and they're counting on you to get them out."

She remains silent for three whole minutes, before I notice a glimmer of a shield slowly evolving from her hands. For a moment I think, this is it, she's finally going to do it, that is, before Eugene waltzed through the doors, making as much noise as possible in order to get our attention. 

"Time for operation undercover to fly."

"You should really spend a day in a Shield helicarrier before you try and use spy terms."

"Oh come on!" Lucy opens her eyes, devastation written across her expression as the shield quickly dissolves "We were finally getting somewhere!"

"We have an approaching visitor, training can wait."

"How exciting." I grin, as Lucy smirks towards me. I pace towards the exit, the girl follows closely behind me, and Eugene is immediately at my side. Frank was waiting with Jana in the foyer, who I could see was on edge, as Franks had to hold her back by the scruff of her neck whilst the figure approached the door. 

Valentina approached the door gracefully, keeping her role in the plan as casual as possible she smiles, taking a small breath, she walks towards her front door. I hear Trina in the kitchen, washing dishes or something, waiting for us. Frank guides Jana over to Eugene, who leads her and Lucy into the kitchen. 

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