Chapter 11- Beg like you mean it.

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Warning! This chapter may contain some vulgar scenes, bloodshed and other gory stuff. I don't recommend reading it if you're squeamish, or just don't like gory stuff. Please don't complain later on, because I told you so. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy this chapter, if you're reading it.

*Unknown P.O.V*

I run my fingers over the sharp metal blade, while keeping my eyes locked on my new target. I smirk in satisfaction as I see them walk through the front door of their house, and close it behind them. This should be an easy kill. I grin evilly to myself.

I know, I know. I'm sick.

But I have my reasons.

I put the blade down onto the cold, hard concrete, and proceed to put on my leather gloves. I grab my face mask from my black duffle bag, and cover up the bottom half of my face, from the nose onwards. I carefully zip up my black hoodie, and pull the hood over the top of my head. I tightly tie the laces on my shoes, making sure they don't come undone. I go in my bag, and take my sticky roller. I run it over my clothes a few times, being sure to get rid of any hair on them.

Wouldn't want to leave any evidence. Would we?

I sling my duffel bag over my shoulder, and pick the serrated blade up off the concrete. I then advance towards the house in front of me. As I near the door, I look around to see if there are any cameras.

Good. There's none. The coast is clear.

I break the lock with my kit, before entering the house quietly. I quickly, but discreetly, close the door behind me, not making any noise.

Can't be getting caught.

I progress towards the staircase, before cautiously making my way up the stairs. I near the end of the corridor, and stop at a door. I hear the sound of a shower from inside, and I know then and there, that my victim is inside. I take a few deep breaths to gather my composure.

I wasn't scared. I just needed to prepare for what's coming.

I slowly open the door, and walk inside the room. I sit down on the bed, and make myself comfy, while waiting for my victim to exit the bathroom.

What? Killing is a hard job.


Ten minutes had passed, and my victim was still in the shower. Seriously, how clean do you want to be? Another five minutes had gone, and still no sign of them. I was really contemplating dragging them out here myself. That thought went away from my brain, as my new victim stepped out of the bathroom. It took them a while, but they eventually noticed me, and for a moment, they just stood there in a daze. I clicked my fingers in front of their face, and they let out a gasp of shock. That's right, this isn't a dream. Its reality. They are about to say something, but are unable to form any coherent words. They look me up and down, before their eyes land on the blade resting in my fist.

That's right bitch. A Blade.

Their eyes widen and their mouth drops open, as the reality of the situation sets in. Finally. I inch closer towards them, as they take a step away from me. I continue to get closer and closer to them, and they continue to move back, until their back hits the wall. I watch as they cry to themselves, tears falling vigorously down their cheeks. A sickening grin falls upon my face, as I watch their whole body tremble in fear. Their bottom lip quivers, and their whole body shakes as they sob uncontrollably. I lift up the blade, and rub it against their cheek. I dig it in a little harder, drawing blood. They close their eyes in pain as they wince. I smirk at this reaction.

Embrace the pain, bitch.

I bring the blade down a little, and hold it against their neck. I watch as their eyes plead with me, to let them go. They all beg when it's their turn. I press the blade into their neck harder, and watch as they palpitate violently, pain evident on their face. I torture them some more, before leaning forwards to the side of their face. I make my way to their ear, before whispering, "It's your own fault". "Wh...w...what did I ever do to you?", they stutter fearfully. I smile wickedly, and then keep a flat face, before replying, "I guess you'll never know." I then slice the blade against their skin, and watch satisfyingly as bright red blood oozes out of their neck. They take one last breath, before their eyes close, and they fall to the floor with a loud thud. I keep my eyes glued on them, and I watch as they lay in a puddle of their own blood.

Adios perra.

I look around the room, to make sure I don't leave any evidence behind. Once I am sure the coast is clear I start to walk away from the lifeless body before me.

Advancing towards the door, I glimpse at the photo frame on the table next to the bed. It's my victim, with two children. I pick it up, and caress it gently. I smirk emotionlessly, before I put it back down where it came from, and leave the house.


I watch from behind an old willow tree, as police start to gather around the house of my latest victim. Reporters push past the crowd of people, attempting to get live footage.

Desperate idiots. Somebody's just been murdered, and you want all the details. Get a grip.

Two bulky men come out of the house, carrying a body bag. Dried blood is visible on their hands, as they put the bag into the back of the ambulance. The ambulance drives away immediately, probably going to take the body to autopsy.

It isn't difficult to figure it out. I sliced off their neck. Pretty simple if you ask me.

I grin at my work, before turning around and walking away into the distance, as the darkness begins to fade. I rip off my gloves and shove them into my duffle bag. I take the hood off of my head, and unzip my hoodie. I then walk towards the mall, and silently blend in with the small crowd. It's six in the morning. It ain't exactly rush hour. I smirk to myself, as a thought crosses my mind.

They'll never catch me. I'm too good for them.


Can anyone guess who this is?? I want to know what you all think!! Did you like this chapter, or not? I hope you enjoyed reading it, because I loved writing it. my Spanish isn't that good, so feel free to correct me if i am wrong.

Thanks for reading!!!!

Ari x

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