Chapter 24: Everything happens for a reason.

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~*~*Natasha's P.O.V*~*~

"Mom! Please can I go out?", I question in a high pitched whiney voice.

My mom places a hand on her hip, a stern look on her face. "Natasha, no. You need to rest." She replies strictly; eyebrows raised.

"But Mom-

"No, Natasha. I've made my decision."

I cross my arms over my chest, a scowl on my face. I half expect my Mother to see my annoyance at not being able to go out, and change her mind. But no. She doesn't.

I sigh in exasperation, letting my arms fall to my lap. "Mom. Please. I haven't been out in a week. I've been stuck at home all week, and I have to go back to school tomorrow. I need oxygen. Fresh air. It'll be good for me. Please?", I plead frustrated.

Ever since I had gotten home from the hospital that day, my Mom basically put me on house arrest. She made me take a week off school, and I had to sit at home and rest. For some people, that's a reward. Not for me. I value my education very much. I have to go back to school tomorrow, so I just wanted to go out and get some fresh air today.

"But sweetheart, I-

"Mom, I'll be fine. I promise." I assure her.

For a few moments, she stands there, deep in thought. Most likely contemplating whether or not she should let me go. She sighs, her tense shoulders relaxing.

"Fine. But be careful. And I want you home by dinner. Understand?"

Smiling like a maniac to my mom, I grab my hand and place it against my head, saluting her. "Yes ma'am."

She chuckles to herself; ruffling my hair as she pulls me into a hug.

"I love you." She whispers into my ear.

I smile into her hair; her strawberry shampoo engulfing my nostrils. "I love you too."

As I pull away from her, I gently place a kiss on her cheek. "You're the best." I tell her.

She flips her hair over her shoulders; pretending to brush of some dust in the process. "I already know. Don't need to tell me." She says; placing her hands on her hips, her voice full of sass.

I see where I get that from.

Laughing loudly; I proceed to make my way to my bedroom to get dressed.


As I step into My bedroom, I carefully shut the door behind me. I swiftly walk over to my wardrobe, and grab the first thing I can find to wear.

I'm going out to explore. Not to a Victoria's Secret fashion show.

Suddenly, I am hit with a wonderful idea. I speed walk over to my dressing table, and grab my phone. I scroll through my contacts, landing on his name. I don't take two seconds to dial the number. After a few rings, he picks up.

"Hello", his voice isn't as happy as it should be.

"Hey. Brody.What's up?"

"Oh Natasha, hey. Erm, nothing really. Just taking a nap." He answers.

Something's definitely up.

"Sure you're okay?" I persist.

"Natasha, I'm fine. Let it go." He answers exasperatedly.

Geez. What crawled up his pants and died.

"Oh. Ok. Erm, I was going to go out today, since I'd been locked up at home all week. And I haven't seen you all week either. So, wanna come with?" I ask.

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