Chapter 20: I don't do weak.

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"Natasha!" My Mom shouts my name from the kitchen.

"Yes mom," I reply.

"Come downstairs, please," she tells me.


I groan loudly as I rip the duvet away from my legs; the cold air hitting them like a brick. I then proceed to switch off my tv, and drag my legs down the stairs.

"Yeah Mom," I ask as I lean against my arms on the marble tabletop.

"Sweetheart, we're out of salt, and I really need some to make dinner," she replies, a hopeful glint in her eyes.

I don't like where this is going.

"Sooo, why am I here?" I question, even though I probably already know the answer.

"Could you pretty please run to the shop and buy some?"

I knew it.

"Mom, no!" I whine childishly.

Yes, I know, I'm lazy.

"Please Sweetie, not even for me?"

Oh no. She did not just go there. She did not just use emotional blackmail.

"Mom! That's blackmailing!" I stand my ground.

She ain't gonna succeed.

"What if I buy you some Matchmakers?"

She did not.

My eyes widen, and I immediately put my hand out to my mother. "You have yourself a deal," I say quickly.

She smirks in triumph; shaking my hand while at the same time handing me the required amount of money. She knows my weaknesses too well.

Sure. Ain't gonna budge.


The moonlight shines brightly; lighting up the desolate street as the rays hit it perfectly. The stars are like a million little lightbulbs; brightening up the blanket of darkness.

I walk through the streets; the money jingling in my coat pocket. I watch in utter awe; admiring the beautiful night atmosphere.


Nervousness and fear take over me as I round the corner. I suddenly feel extremely conscious, as if somebody's watching me. Whipping my head around, I find nothing but an empty alleyway.

You're just being paranoid Natasha.

As I continue to walk, I hear loud footsteps behind me. I feel as though I am being followed.

It is then that I decide to quicken my pace; silently praying to myself.

Soon, I am running. I will my feet to move quicker, but it's of no use. Something, or someone grips my hand tightly; turning me around and slamming me into them.

An unwavering scent of beer takes over my nostrils; the strong intoxicating smell causing me to scrunch my face up in disgust.

I look up to sought the identity of my unknown captor. As I look up, I meet the hungry Blue orbs of a man. He looks to be in his early twenties, his hair styled into a quiff. A terrible one,(May I add). His blue orbs are full of lust as they rake my body up and down, savouring every last detail. His face nears mine; the vile stench of beer getting stronger with every inch he moves. Unwavering fear takes over me as I begin to see the reality of my situation.

He's a horny, drunk, twenty-something year old. Alone in a dark alley way, with a seventeen year old.

This can't end well.

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