The ghost of past, present, and future

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You had just recently met up with Claire, a nice ghost, or as she preferred, spirit. You tried to refrain from using ghost around Claire seeing as she appeared to be sensitive to the word.
When you had hung around Claire, you noticed she seemed to get light headed (if that's even possible for a ghost.)
And whenever she had, she would almost seem to fall back, or forward, you finally decided to ask what was wrong.
She turned to you, almost as if she had known you for years and had kept a horrible secret from you. She looked you in the eyes and said
"I can see all timelines, every where, so in other words, I can see the past, present and future,"
You stated in amazement and had replied to her
"That sounds so cool!"
"It's rather a burden."
"How so?"
"If I decide to look at any of these timelines, I drift farther and farther from earth, I begin to fade from existence."
You were slightly confused as to what she was meaning.
"But how is that bad? Wouldn't you be happy to, well fade into heaven?"
"That's the thing, I just fade, never to go to heaven nor hell."
"Exactly. I'd rather live without this than have to worry about leaving all of existence behind me."
"I would say I understand but, well it's obvious I don't."
Claire seemed to raise her voice just slightly.
"Of course you don't know what it's like! I've been living, if that's even what you would choose to call it, with this pain in the ass of a burden people decide to call a power! No one knows what it's like to have a little piece of your soul taken from you with every passing moment,"
You stared in shock, for you had no idea why she had raised your voice. What had you done wrong to upset her?
She turned from you, and stormed off, you looked to see if she would turn to see you once more, but she just disappeared out of sight.

What had you done?
More importantly what had she done to herself?

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