Careful 9

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“Cameron wake up, please can you wake up” I could hear someone’s voice calling out to me but I was too weak to do anything. It wasn’t until I felt something wet on my cheeks did I finally decide to open my eyes

“Why are you crying?” I asked still disorientated

“You just fainted and I thought something had happened to you” she peppered me with kisses assuring me she was still there

I chuckled slowly regaining my memory about the fight that we were having and then the news that she’d dropped on me

“You’re pregnant” I mumbled

“Yeah I am”

“How far along are you?”

“You don’t believe it’s yours” she snapped at me with a scowl on her face

“No” I shook my head vigorously “I just wanted to know how far along you were”

“It was when we first had sex from the ball dance”

“So that’s about a month or more”

“Yeah” she nodded “I’d known for about two weeks but I didn’t know what to say without you freaking out”

“I wouldn’t have freaked out-”

“You fainted” she pointed out

“Good point but I wouldn’t have left you, I would have stayed. I’m not a douche”

“But that blonde bimbo that you were kissing”

“Meant nothing and if anything she was kissing me, she told me she loved me but I told her that I have a girlfriend who I’m in love with and then she tried kissing me and soon as she did that I was about to push her away and then you came and saw the bad bits”

“It meant nothing?” she asked

“I promised you it meant nothing; I was too focused in trying to push her away”

“Okay I believe you” she said

“Now I know why you’re so hormonal all the time and your boobs have gotten bigger so that’s an advantage”

“Yeah of course you’d love it”

“I love every part of you” I told her

“But I’m going to get bigger and then you’re not going to look at me the same way” she whined

“You sell yourself short, you’re going to get bigger carrying my child something that we both created and you’re going to look beautiful no matter what anybody says”

“I love you so much” she cried onto my shirt

“I know I love you too” I kissed her which started out softly but thanks to her pregnant hormones the kisses escalated

“Oh shit your family are probably still wondering where we both are”

“They’ll be fine without us and I just want to hold you right now”

“Okay” she giggled as we cuddled on my bed “I told my parents hoping that they’d cut the Craig fiasco thing off”

“How did they take the news?”

“They disowned me saying I was a disgrace to the family” she mumbled as she started crying again

“Well it’s their loss and my gain, I’ll help you through everything and my parents will be there to help you again”

“Thank you”

“For what?”

“For everything really, I used to be shell and not really talk to anyone but Carolina, I was pretty much a dull person brought up in a rich background and I came here hoping that if I studied a subject that I loved it’d help remove some of the pain and it did but not all of it until you came along and took all of the pain away”

Careful (Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now