Chapter 27: The Shower

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{Fionna's POV}

I lay in my bed. Wow, all this time, I haven't been alone. I had a twin. There was another human. And he was cute. Wait! Is it narcissistic that I find my identical twin attractive? Eh, I don't know. Where has he been? Since, we were children, where was he? Was he adopted, too? Did he live all alone, during his childhood? Where's my parents? Do my parents live? FIONNA! CALM DOWN... Oh glob.

I got up and started up the water for my shower. I slipped off my clothes, and stepped into the warm water. I heard a knock on the door.

"Fionna? You in there?" Marshall asked, through the door.

"No, I'm a ghost, and turned on the water." I said, sarcastically. He smirked, I couldn't see him, but I just knew.

"Okay, well Kroh needs you when you're done." He said.

"Okay." I said. I just shrugged, and pet my hair. I ran through shampoo, conditioner, all that girly junk. I turned off the water and stepped out.

{Marshall's POV}

"Hey Marshall." Kroh said.

"Marshall? I don't get why you're still mad. You can't stay mad, forever." I said.

"Why can't I?" She crossed her arms.

"Because I'm your dad." I said. Oh glob, I'm still a little weird with that word... Dad.

"You're betraying, you're selfish, you're cruel, you're irresponsible, you're crazy, you're mean, and you're not understanding. But sure, we can go with dad." She said. She walked past me, rolling her eyes. I guess I'm speechless. She just left me... Dumbfounded.

"Kroh, wait! You can't just leave!" I said. She turned around, smiling.

"What are you going to do? Tell mom?" She sassily teased. Urgh.

"No... I'll tell... Fionna!" I said. I ran to the bathroom, and rushed in. OH CRAP! Fionna stood there... Naked. Oh glob. She looked at me in shock.

"AGH! MARSHALL, I'M NAKED!!!" She screamed. I was still shocked. "Well, hand me the towel!" She said. I snapped back, and threw her towel and rushed out. Oh. My. Glob.


Okay guys! How's that for a chapter? Okay, I'm sorry this isn't the cleanest chapter... BUT, I had to add this, for a plot point! So ha! So vote and comment and stuff! AND check out my other books! :D

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