The Tour Beginning

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Camila POV

"Mila! Hurry up!" Dinah yelled at me. "We have to go to the meeting!"

We had a crew meeting today, talking about new song tracks and possible tour guests. Dinah had just slept over at my house, and she was already downstairs. Grabbing my backpack, phone and keys, I ran out the door with Dinah on my heels. "Get in the car" I said. Driving away, Dinah texted our manager, Skylar, to tell her we were both on our way.

The crisp Saturday brought a grin to my face. Dinah turned the radio on at full blast. "AY YO BREEZY! LET ME SHOW YOU HOW TO KEEP THE DICE ROLLIN WHEN YOUR DOING YOUR THANG OVER THERE HOMIE!!" Dinah and I rapped along to Look at Me Now.

I pulled into a parking spot at management. I stepped out and saw Lauren and Normani at the front door. They waved at us.

When I walked into the meeting room, I saw about 50 people- including Lauren, Ally, Normani, Skylar, Big Rob, and the crew. "Hey","Hi!" They all said.

"Wassup homies!!"

That was Dinah.

Skylar began." Everyone knows that our girls ,Fifth Harmony, are working on new music covers. Any ideas for the song and riffs?" Murmurings were heard. Somebody piped," How 'bout a remix like thing?"

"Yes! Remix of what is the question?" Skylar said. This time I butted in." How about something like La La La and Latch by Sam Smith?"

"Sounds good! Any disagreements?No? Good. We'll have the writers on that one. It has also occurred that there is going to be a tour soon. We'll need a name and guests. Demi and Taylor are out- Demi's already guesting at the 5SOS tour, (we make believe) and Taylor's working in the studio for the next few months. "

Ally suggested," Me and Mani have actually made a few notes on the names for the tour. We have Harmonize the USA and America's Reflection Tour."

Normani said," There's also REFLECTION 2o15, and 2015 BHB Summer Tour.
"I KNOW!" Lauren exclaimed. " 2015 Harmonize America!"

A mutual agreement rippled throughout the crowd.  Personally, I thought that was a great name. I said," As for guest stars, we should have another band, a rising star, and a star."

"How about Little Mix?" Dinah piped.
"I'll ask their manager and we'll see." Skylar continued," As for the others, we could have Bea Miller for the star. She a good friend and musician. Any ideas for a rising star?"

"Shawn Mendes sound good?" I asked.
I felt a swift feeling of something I couldn't identify when I said his name. Shawn was basically my secret crush.

"Sounds good!"
"Sweet! Bea's coming!"


The next week was a blur. Our management was all over the place, working on choreography for new music, the guest stars, tour arrangements, and hiring more song composers. The girls and I were just going to have a night in. My phone rang loudly.

Before I could see the Caller ID Normani answered the phone. "Hello? Hi! Uh-huh. Yup yup. Gotcha. Sweet. K, bye!" The rest of us were curious about the call. "What was that?" Ally asked. "Girlies! Shawn, Bea, and Little Mix are all coming on Harmonize America." Normani exclaimed.

All five of us cheered and squealed about the news. "Let's celebrate!!" Dinah said. We turned on the music, and started to geek out. After our celebration dance, we decided to watch
The Notebook, the one with **squeal** Ryan Gosling!!

We all crashed on the couch and eventually fell asleep around 1:30 am.

As I fell asleep, I thought, damn, this tours gonna be great.

PART 2 is coming!! Thanks for reading. I don't own Shawn Mendes, Little Mix, Fifth Harmony, Demi, Taylor Swift, Skylar, Look at me now, or the Notebook.

Ks_dyp Xx.

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