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New part. Hope you like this one. It's pretty long, though.
Italics: Flashbacks; memories

As Shawn walked through his house on his day off of work, he spotted an old, old photo album, way back from when he was in high school, just starting out his singing passion. It was labeled Shawmeeela Memories, courtesies of his wife's best friend, Dinah Jane herself.  With nothing better to do, he grabbed the album and sat comfortably on the king bed.

After opening to the first page, memories instantly flooded through his mind. Shawn gently touched the picture as if it would break any second. Looking down at the memory, Shawn remembered this night. It was when he met Camila. It was at the after party of the RDMAS, in 2014. right after he was done performing. The photo was secretly taken by a drunk Nash Grier. Personally, Shawn loved this picture.


Shawn walked off of the descending platform into the backstage after finishing the last performance of the night, Something Big. He took out his ear pieces and hung them loosely by the chords around his shoulders. After entering his dressing room, he changed out of his stage clothes and into a grey shirt, black jeans, and a jacket.

He grabbed her phone from her charger and walked out. As he looked around she saw Ed Sheeran emerging from the room down. "Hey Shawn! Great job today"

That snapped him out of his 'fan boying' thoughts. "Yeah you too! Congrats on the win today." He said.
Ed smiled,"yeah you as well."

They walked together to the after party. When they walked into the doors, Shawn saw celebrities everywhere. Many people, including  some of his idols, came up and congratulated her. Soon after he was with Jack J., on the dance floor. Then a breathtakingly beautiful brunette walked up. Shawn moved so she could get to Nash easier, but instead, the  girl planted his feet before him.

Behind the girls back, Jack began to dance "casually" away while giving me the eye that means,"If you mess this one up, she's mine." Shawn laughed and tore his attention from his friend and now onto the mystery girls face. She smiled and said,"Hey. Good job tonight. "

"Thanks. I'm Shawn. " he responded, shaking her hand. "Cool. I'm Camila Cabello.

He stopped to think,"Aren't you that part of that girl group? X factor, right? Camila blushed and nodded,"Fifth Harmony."

"Any songs out?"

"Yeah." Camila twisted the pearl bracelet on her wrist nervously. "A couple actually. Umm, our EP was dropped last year, and wee just came out with a song called Worth It"

Shawn was surprised he didn't realize that sooner. He loved those songs. "Oh really? That's cool, I love those songs. Anyways, would you like to get a drink with me? Non-alcoholic of course." Shawns grin widened as Camila accepted. "Sure"

With their Cokes in on hand, the pair walked out on the terrace and talked until four am, when the only person left was Nash, who was dancing on a table, looking drunk as hell. Shawn sighed and said,"Sorry, Mila. I've gotta help him. " She nodded and stood, Shawn rising with her.

"Hey," Shawn started,"I really had fun tonight. Maybe...we could do this again sometime. Just us two?"

Camila smiled and bit her lip,"I'd like that. " they switched numbers and then hugged. Little did they know at that certain moment, a drunk friend of theirs flashed his phone when he took the photo. Camila left through the front doors. Shawn sighed at the loss, but then walked out to help Nash.

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