Taken (pt. 3)

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Camila's POV

A shock of electricity ran through my hand and up my arm as Shawn grasped my hand.

He led me throughout some dark corridors that I didn't even know were in that one room. No words were spoken between us as we ran; the sounds were occasional huffs or pants from the sprinting.

I ignored the new foreign feeling and continued to run, with Shawn at my side.

We began to gradually slow down. We had just at least ran for ten minutes straight. Not kidding.

"Ok, here's where we stop."

"Where are we going Shawn? Do you know what's going on?" I asked. He looked at me, then said . "Camila. I promised you that Harry and I were going to get you out of here. But you have to promise me, that you won't be scared of me. Cause Im a different person here. A not very good person. I wouldn't be able to live with my self if I was the one who scared you away. "

He was getting really worked up about how I thought of him, and I was kind of wondering why. I ignored my curiosity and said," I-I..Ill try, Shawn. But if your playing with me again..."

His eyes widened. "I won't. Not again."

I nodded. I heard thump thump thump.  The footsteps got louder as the person got closer.

Shawn held me tight as the person arrived. Through the dim light, I saw his face. "Harry?" Shawn asked, his grip on me releasing. "Hey Shawn. Camila. I've got the stuff."

With that. Harry dumped out of a folded blanket, some water, food, a GPS, three guns and some bullets. Shawn took a gun as well as Harry. Shawn said "Camila, I know you don't know how to use a gun. So, I made sure Harry got this. " he held up a pistol.

"This is the type of pistol where all you have to to do is reload by pulling this latch back and then shooting it. Ours are more complicated, but we know how to use them."

I was relieved now that I realized the gun was easy to use.

I nodded at what he said and then replied," Do you have some sorta plan?"

Harry nodded. "Don't worry about it. We have this under control."

Shawn put the rest of the stuff in a lightweight backpack and then slug the bad over his shoulders. "It's time"


We stepped along the concrete floor with barely any sound. Then, Harry swung open a door.

Light busted through and my eyes hurt as they adjusted to the brightness. Shawn grabbed my hand once more and hid me in a little room. The door had a peephole that I looked through.

"Shawn! Harry! My sources told me that you have been helping out the prisoner. You know the consequences."

"No boss. I haven't seen the prisoner. At all." Harry lied. The boss grunted."What about you, Mendes."

"No boss. The last time I saw the prisoner was when I brought her a taste of what's to come." Shawn lies with ease. The boss looked skeptical about Shawn's answer. He punched Shawn out of the blue, so hard that his eye immediately began to turn black and blue. "Well, there's your little taste of what's to come for you if your lying to me. I don't like liars." The boss spat.

Shawn stumbled back up,"Yessir." The boss left.

"Camila!" Shawn whispered. "Where are you!" I stumbled out of the room. Shawn enveloped me into a hug. "C'mon. " We began to walk once more.

After about 5 minutes of walking in pure darkness, Shawn stopped and said,"Here's where it get dangerous. Stay by either me or Harry. " I nodded, clutching my gun so hard my knuckles turned white. "Let's go." Shawn open a door and brightness from the sun blinded my eyes for a moment. We ran out.

"There! Get them!" A guard yelled. There were about 7 men after us. Gunshots fired up. I get a bullet whiz past my head as it stuck into the side of the building. I kept on running. It seemed as though a thousand guns were being fired at once. I looked around and saw Shawn running right beside me. "Here, I think we lost them. Is Harry here?" Shawn asked.

Before I could answer, a bullet grazed my arm and stuck into the tree beside me. My eyes widened, as did Shawns. He grabbed my hand and we bolted. All of a sudden, I felt something lodge itself into my abdomen. I looked down, and I saw blood starting to gush out of my side. I didn't want Shawn to stop and potentially get hurt, so I bunched up my shirt and shoved it against the wound, trying to stop the blood stain from being visible.

Harry shouted,"There!" And pointed to a black militaryish jeep. As we got into the car, A blurry-looking face appeared above me. White spots danced around the face until the pain became so unbearable, I blacked out.

Narrator POV

When Shawn saw Camila black out, he immediately felt her pulse. It was there, but growing weaker and weaker by the second. "Hurry Harry! Go to the nearest hospital!" Shawn instructed the other guy.

Harry obeyed, noticing the frantic tone in Shawns voice. As they arrived at the New York ER, Shawn hoisted Camila and carried her into the hospital, bridal style. "Help! Help us please! She been shot!" Shawn yelled at the top of his lungs as soon as he entered the doors.

Many employees surrounded Camila's body and set her in the nearest stretcher. They carried her out, but one buff guy with a tag that read Rob stopped Shawn from entering the Intensive Care and Surgery Unit.

Camila POV

In front of me I saw the brightest light ever, brighter than the sun. But behind me, there was darkness that stretched on for miles. I was in between the border of the two. A voice appeared.

"Camila, what you see here is the biggest decision you'll ever make. This light the blinds you is life But behind you is the End. It is giving up and surrendering. Life can hurt you, it can blind you, and it can kill you. But it can also give you joy, happiness and love. The The darkness behind you means that you give up. Giving up can ruin everything that you've already achieved. But it may also bring you peace and serenity. Is your choice."

The voice disappeared. I knew what I wanted.

I wanted Shawn. So, I stepped forward into the light, and then I felt my eyes open and my heart beginning to beat again.

"Shawn..." I croaked out, sitting up. He was in the corner of the room, sitting in a chair, asleep. There were dried tear stains on his cheeks. He looked up when he heard my voice. "C-Camila? Is that you?" I have a small nod, for talking hurt my throat. His grin widened into a full smile and he crashed his warm lips into mine. I smiled into the kiss.

That was the moment when I decided that light was always better than dark.

Holy shit you guys! You are 10/10 allowed to absolutely hate me for not updating in over a month! But I do have more shots coming as well as MAYBE a new Camila/Shawn Story! Sorry about the wait.

Xx. ks_dyp

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