Chapter 7

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George's Pov

I wake up next to Amity. She fell asleep on the couch last night. The problem is A: I'm not aloud to go in the girl's dormitories B: All the beds in my dormitory are filled and C: I couldn't just leave her alone and clueless on the couch in the common room. Therefore I just kept her in my bed with me all night. While she still slept I went to take a shower and put on my robes. Once I was ready I went back to my bed and sat on the end. We still had 1 hour 30 minutes left until we have to be at breakfast.

I watch Amity sleep for about 30 minutes until she wakes up. She sees me and jumps. She rubs her eyes and asks, "Georgie... no offense, but why am I in your dormitory... in your bed?" I reply, "Well um... you sorta fell um asleep on the um couch and ah I'm not really aloud in your dormitory... so um you stayed in mine. But um we sorta kinda didn't have any extra um beds so ah you just stayed in mine." My face felt hot which meant I was blushing. Bloody hell the effects this girl has on me. She giggles. "What are you laughing at?" I ask her. "You George." she replies simply. "I'm going to go get ready... I'll come back up to get you for breakfast when I'm done." She leaves just like that and I'm sitting there my face scarlet, my brain jambled, my tongue twisted and my eyes watching the door that her body disappeared through.

Amity comes back up after about 30 minutes to a waiting group of guys. When Fred and Lee woke up they joined me in staring at the door awaiting her return. She finally came back and she jumped at the fact that all of us were staring at her. "Um... guys why are you staring at me?" We all shrug and walk downstairs. Her sisters motion her over to them and I can vaguely hear them. Their conversation goes something like this.

Sage: Amity you need a (can't hear).
Amity: I don't... not to make me happy, (can't hear this part) makes me happy... oh and um... (or this part) too (she blushed there).
Callie: Then date (can't hear) if he makes you happy.
Amity: Cal he just... I dunno what if he doesn't like me like that... I mean if I did fancy him.
Sage: Callie's right, Am.
Callie: *pumps fist* I always am! Sisters know best.
Amity: *blushes* Say, Cal... I dunno my feelings... plus I don't need a boyfriend.

Amity comes back to us and avoids looking at us, "Come on guys lets just go to breakfast." Even though she was eager to go 10 minutes ago, she doesn't eat anything. "You really should eat something, A (his nickname for her)," Lee says. "He's right Amity, we have classes and Quidditch practice later," Fred says. I nod in agreement even though I'm doing the same thing as her. Just playing with my food. Moving my eggs around with my fork, levitating my bacon, turning my orange juice to water and back. When she said that someone makes her happy and that she might like him... my heart broke. I felt like I died inside. To know that she fancies someone when I feel this way towards her. Maybe its Cedric... maybe they're secretly dating and thats what they talked about on the train. Maybe she is even keeping it a secret from her sisters and that why she said all that. Maybe she's secretly dating Lee or Ron or Harry. Or Oliver Wood or Draco Malfoy (ugh) or Dean Thomas or Seamus Finnigan. What if its FRED!!!??? "Georgie?" Amity says snapping me out of my thoughts. "What?" I ask harshly. "I said ask your mum if I'm going home with you or my sisters for Christmas then just visiting or staying all holiday," she says sounding a little hurt that I snapped. I nod them startle myself by asking, "Who do you like?" She seems taken aback by this question and answers with, "No one, Georgie. I would've told you," and ends with a flickered look at Fred. I ask, "Fred, can I talk to you for a second?" He nods and we go out to the hall.

"Fred, are you secretly dating Amity behind my back?" I ask him "No! Why would you think that. I know you like her too much! Wait maybe I should ask her out I mean A: She's gorgeous and B: Its not bleeding likely that you'll ask her out anytime soon!" I glare at him and if looks could kill he would definitely be dead. "Bloody hell Fred if you do you wouldn't be alive to go to the date!" I say through clenched teeth. I storm to DADA (Defense Against the Dark Arts) class, leaving Amity, Fred, and Lee behind. I take my seat and take out my book and leave my wand in my bag since it Umbridge's class.


At dinner I sit with Angelina, not wanting to be with Fred or Amity right now. Amity looks at Angelina and I with what looks like... is it... jealousy? Fred gives her a look of sympathy and glares at me all through dinner. I say goodbye to Angelina as soon as I finish. I mean don't get me wrong she's a great girl. Smart, pretty, great at quidditch... but I really like Amity too much to feel that way about her, even though she tries to get me to ask her out.

I quickly walk up to the Gryffindor room but bump into Cedric Diggory along the way. Crikey... "Hey, Weasley... where's Amity? I need to ask her a question." he says. I suddenly get protective and step in front of him saying, "And what may I ask would that be?" He chuckles and replies, "Well, Weasel I was going to ask her if she'd like to go with me on the next Hogsmeade trip... If you must know." "She's in the common room you can ask her tomorrow at breakfast," I say quickly running to the common room even though I know I know she's not there. I now know I have to sit with her at breakfast so he can't ask her... or so she can't say yes.

About 15 minutes later I see Fred, Lee, and Amity walk up. I instantly feel bad for ignoring her, I know she would've told me if she had a boyfriend. I quickly run to her and hug her, her face instantly lights up as she hugs me back. I kiss her. She kisses me back and I turn scarlet from my neck up. We pull apart and she smiles at me and blushes herself. Fred says, "Well that's a good way to make up... I wish a girl would make up with me the way George made up with Amity! Can I tell her, George? Can I tell him, Amity?" We both vigorously shake our heads and Fred laughs hysterically before running upstairs with Lee and leaving me alone with Amity. Angelina
gives Amity a death glare before running upstairs. Amity and I move over to the couch. I sit down then sit her on my lap. "Am, I'm sorry for earlier... I overreacted about something idiotic," I say. "It's fine Georgie," she replies. "Am, do you wanna be my date for the Hogsmeade trip?" She nods excitedly and giggles. I smile and she kisses me again quickly before yawning. "I'm gonna go to bed Georgie," she says. And I wrap my arms around her tightly and say, "I'll let you go if I know whether you'll be my girlfriend or not." She smiles before replying, "Of course Georgie!" I then kiss her before letting her go to bed and head up to my dorm for bed as well.


Amity's Pov

I wake up smiling to myself knowing that George Weasley is finally my boyfriend. I can't wait to tell Mione and Ginny! I wonder if he's told Fred or Lee yet. I had the engagement dream again. But, forget that I need to go see my BOYFRIEND!!! I run up to his dorm and kiss him passionately before he wakes up and kisses back. He smiles and says, "Now thats how I want to be woken up everyday!" I giggle and grab his hand pulling him out of bed. He stands up and I stand on my tip-toes to kiss him, even still he has to lean down since I am almost a whole foot shorter than him. "Go get dressed George, I'll wait for you in the common room!" I say before running downstairs to the common room and plopping down in a chair.

In about 5 minutes George comes down with Fred and Lee. He hasn't told the boys yet so what better than to tell them by us snogging?!?! I run to George and kiss him. He kisses back and I can feel the boys gawking at us. We pull apart for air and both smirk at the boys. Lee says, "B-but w-what I-I'm r-really c-c-confused!!!" Fred yells, "So its official?!?! FINALLY!!!" I giggle and George turns cherry red. We walk downstairs to breakfast hand in hand and sit next to each other. I barely have started eating when Cedric Diggory comes over. He says, "Hey, Amity, beautiful. Wanna go to Hogsmeade with me on a date?" I say, "I'd love to..." And George cuts in, "But unfortunately she can't..." he puts his arm around me protectively before continuing, "Right, baby?" I nod and say, "Yea sorry Cedric, but I'm going with George, my boyfriend." emphasizing the word boyfriend greatly. Cedric scowls at George before stalking off looking deflated and I kiss George on the cheek.

An!!! Hey guys sorry I haven't posted sooner. I've been working on this chapter the past 3 nights... I really hope you liked it. Don't worry it'll be more interesting than them just dating the rest of the story. Is Cedric gonna give up? Will George take things the wrong way? Will Amity's eyes play tricks on her? Will Sage or Callie fall for one man that they shouldn't? Will Fred fall for the wrong girl? Who knows?!?! Well I know some... but honestly I wasn't gonna have them start dating or even kiss in this chapter... My fingers just took control ;)

Updated: June 16, 2015

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