Chapter 12

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Amity's pov

I wake up and get dressed without waking George up. I have to talk to Callie and Sage. Hopefully they will not say that Eliza has to listen too. I simply can't talk about her in front of her. I mean honestly who does that? So hopefully they will talk to me alone like we used to. Callie is my fraternal twin and Sage is 4 years younger than us, going into her 5th year at Hogwarts with Ginny Weasley.

Anyway after I get ready, I apparate to my house. I knock on Callie's bedroom door and she gets up and opens it right away. I go get Sage while she gets dressed. We are going to have a girl's day out in Diagon Alley and maybe go to the muggle village near the Burrow. Once Callie and Sage are ready we leave mum a note and they grab onto me so I can disapparate us all. We are now in a small tea shop in the center of Diagon Alley. We get some breakfast and tea while I tell them about Eliza. "Guys I think Eliza likes George..." I begin. Callie asks, "Why would you think that?" I reply, "The way she looks at him is the same way I look at him and yesterday when she was sitting next to him on the couch I switched spots with him and she got mad at me!" Sage nods and says, "Those are very good reasons Ami." I give her the look that says "Well duh!" She smirks and we decide to go to a muggle mall. They grab onto me and we apparate to the closest one.

We end up in a small mall in downtown London. I buy some new jewelry and accessories. Sage buys some shirts and Callie buys a couple pairs of shoes. We then decide to go back home but before that I apparate us all to a small village to get some waters. I then apparate us to Diagon Alley for lunch and I apparate us home. I drop them off and apparate to the Burrow.

George comes running to me and kisses me, "Where have you been Amity?!" I remember that I forgot to leave him a note telling him where I was going. "I'm sorry Georgie I went out with Callie and Sage for a few hours. When I woke up you weren't awake so I figured it'd be a good time to go see them. I forgot to leave a note, sorry." He lets go of me and I run to the bathroom. I have a ton of blood in my underwear. It is dark red and everywhere. When I sit down on the toilet it fills with blood. I almost scream but instead I yell, "GEORGE!!!!!!!!!!!" and he comes running up the stairs instantly. He knocks and I basically scream, "Go get your mum and tell my mum to come over ASAP!!!!!" He runs back down the stairs and Molly runs up. She knocks and I yell, "Come in!" She quickly walks in and looks at me, "Whats wrong Amity?" I get up and motion for her to look in the toilet and blood drizzles down my leg. She gasps as she sees the toilet almost full of blood and the puddle of blood on the ground. My mum runs in and starts crying. I say in tears, "What's happening???" George walks in and his eyes widen. I fall on the floor and everything goes black.

An: Sorry its short guys but A) I figure that would be a good place to stop and B) I'll probably write another chapter tomorrow... maybe. So comment what you think is happening to Amity!!! Why is she bleeding so much??? Why has she passed out?!?!

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