Chapter 16

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Amity's Pov

George runs in frantically. "What's going on?!" he yells. I smile a little, "We're having a baby, George... two of them." His eyes widen to the size of golfballs. He grabs my hand just as I feel a contraction. I screamed out in pain and squeezed George's hand harder than when we were four years old and I went on my first muggle roller-coaster. The healer told me to keep calm and push. I did that and felt the head come out. George looked but quickly looked away, disgusted.


Ms. Jones, Mr. Weasley. you are now the proud parents of two little boys. That was a week ago. Notice she didn't say healthy little boys. We got out of St. Mungo's yesterday because one of the babies was having trouble breathing and they wanted him being watched carefully by the healers. George and I decided to name the boys Gale and Fred Junior. They are so cute. Gale loves his Uncle Freddie. And Fred Junior loves Aunt Ginny. Fred almost died when we told him the names. He was crying when he said "You named him... After... M-me?" It was so sweet. They are getting so big everyday. I am so happy to be a mother even if I'm only 17. But now that the babies have been born and we don't have to worry about the pregnancy or depression anymore, we have to start planning the wedding.

Molly really likes taking charge in wedding planning. Planning anything really. Fleur warned me though so I wasn't too surprised. But apparently we are having a big wedding... The entire Weasley family is coming I guess. It doesn't bother me having George's whole family there but I still would like some say in my wedding. Wouldn't she if it were her wedding? I think so. Anyway she also wants the babies to be a part of the wedding. I told her that they're too little, she said we can wait until they are bigger. I love Molly to death but she shouldn't be allowed to plan my entire wedding. She shouldn't want to plan my whole wedding. I want to help plan... Actually she should be the one helping me not me helping her. I understand she gets excited but she shouldn't take charge unless thats wanted by the bride and groom to be.

I want a winter wedding but Molly wants a spring wedding. I don't know what to do. She is driving me crazy. I want purple roses but she wants orange lilies. I want a long train, on the dress, but she doesn't want a train at all. She want the boys to bring the rings but I want the wedding to happen soon, which would be before they walk.

George walks in our room and starts dancing to the music I have on. I laugh and he pulls me into him and we dance together to the muggle band One Direction and their song "One Thing". He even sings to me. I giggle and he kisses my cheek as we sway back and forth to One Direction and Little Mix, muggle bands, for about 10 minutes. Then Fred comes in with the babies and I sigh. As much as I love them, they are a huge handful. I take Gale and Fred gives FJ, Fred Jr, to George. I smile at how careful the twins are with the babies. I have never seen them be so cautious about anything before. Its amazing how having babies in the house changed Fred and George. I hold Gale carefully in my arms while George feeds FJ. It is adorable how attentive he is around the babies. We put them to bed and then climb into our own bed and fall asleep.


"Molly please... I want to get married soon! I don't want to wait until the babies can walk and walk well at that matter! That could be 2-4 years. Bloody hell Molly this is mine and George's wedding can't I please have a say???" I yell at Molly the morning of the first full day of Christmas holiday. George comes running down the stairs and grabs me from behind. He holds me against him while his mother and I fight. Finally she says, "Fine... its your wedding, you can do the planning, get the cake, set up and pay for it yourself if thats what you want!" before storming off. George lets me go and walks after her screaming, "Mum your being unreasonable!" I sigh and sink down into the couch. Ginny walks in holding the signed quiddich set that George, the babies and I got her for her birthday a few weeks ago. Also we got her a poster and tickets to a Holyhead Harpies quidditch match. She brought Harry with her. Anyway she looks at me and says, "I'm going to play a game of quidditch with the boys... you wanna come? It might take your mind off everything." I shake my head, "No thanks Gin," and as she walks out the door, I doze off on the couch.

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