Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey! Thank you so much for checking out my first ever fanfiction! Sorry for any grammar errors or confusion in the plot. I'm not a perfect writer but I try my best. Hopefully you enjoy!

As the first day of Senior year began, the day started out normal for Lauren Jauregui and her friends. They walked through the halls excited to finally start their last year of high school.

"Well Mani, we finally made it to senior year!" Lauren smiled as she approached her locker with best friend Normani Kordei beside her.

"I know! I love this school but I'm just ready to get out of here and go to college to study dance," Normani replied.

Lauren and Normani have been best friends ever since they met in sixth grade when Normani moved to Miami from Houston. They did everything together from sleepovers, dance competitions, fan girling at concerts to now spending their senior year together "ruling the school."

Normani dreamed of attending the dance school at Juilliard and since she was named one of the best teen dancers in the country, her chances of getting in were pretty high. She's been working on her audition since sophomore year. Many colleges wanted her but her heart was set on the best.

Lauren on the other hand had slightly different plans after graduation. Sure she was a very talented dancer as she's been dancing since she was three, being co-captain of her team, but she also liked to explore other performing arts. Along with being a dancer, Lauren was also a talented singer and actress. Since dance was year round and took up so much of her time, she could never be in her own school's musicals. It was either dance or theater and she decided to dance since she was already co-captain and didn't want to leave Normani all alone.

Throughout Lauren's life, she's always looked up to Broadway stars such as Patti LuPone, Barbra Streisand, and Sutton Foster dreaming of becoming someone like them one day. Her name on a marquis of a famous theater in New York City was her ultimate goal and she was determined to make that happen sooner or later. After she graduated, she planned to go with Normani to the Big Apple and study musical theater at NYU Tisch School of the Arts hoping it's the right start on her road to Broadway stardom.

Despite not having the time to perform in a musical at school, Lauren still got to practice her talents by doing shows at a community theater during the summers when she didn't have dance. There, she was the lead role in almost every musical such as Reno Sweeney in Anything Goes and Sandy in Grease. This past summer; however, she got the second biggest female role as Velma Kelly in Chicago. The lead role, Roxie Hart, went to a newcomer who just moved from California named Camila Cabello.

At first, Lauren thought it was unfair that Camila got the role because she was new to the company and she herself had been there for years. But after a while she started to really like her. And by that I mean really like her. Camila was nice, funny, smart and very beautiful; everything Lauren could ever want in a girl. She would always look forward to spending the day with the other actress witnessing her great talent, charisma, and of course nice round ass. Lauren was just enticed by her aura and adored everything about the brown-eyed Cuban. There was something so special about her.

During rehearsals, Lauren would always compliment the younger brunette on a scene or number they rehearsed or even just ask her about something in the script just so she could talk to her. She also would of course laugh at Camila's corny jokes. She was whipped. They got along very well and developed a nice friendship. Lauren didn't know if Camila was interested in girls and at that point she didn't care, she just liked being around her.

The show was a success and the two had such a fun time performing together though Lauren didn't know what school Camila would be attending in the fall. She asked her during a rehearsal but Camila herself didn't know yet as her parents were still deciding where to send her. Lauren suggested that she attend her school but Camila's parents were leaning more on the idea of sending her to a private school. After the show they fell out of touch and Lauren hasn't heard from her since. Lauren tried texting her but no reply and she still didn't know what school the younger brunette ended up going to either.

"I know. Next year it's just you, me and maybe Ally and Dinah in New York takin' on the city with our mad talent," the brunette winked.

"You got that right girl," Normani snapped her fingers. "But first, senior year. And I finally get to catch up with you since I barely got to see you over the summer," Normani pouted.

"I know, babe, but this year we'll be inseparable don't worry," Lauren smiled.

"Hey, guys! Who do you have for homeroom?" Dinah their other friend asked after running up to the two.

"I have Miller," Normani replied.

"And I have McGrath," Lauren answered sadly. Normani and Lauren always had the same homeroom but not this year.

"Dammit, I'm with none of you," Dinah groaned, "I have dumb Mrs. Spencer again. She hates me so much."

"Well, you do always act up in her class, DJ," Normani giggled walking with them down the hall.

"I know but it's so funny messing with her, she always has the best reactions!" Dinah exclaimed proud of her mischief.

"But you get a detention like every week," Lauren said as she rolled her eyes at her friend's trouble making behavior.

"You're right. Maybe I should be nice to her this year," Dinah stated trying to be serious until the three of them erupted into laughter.

"That's a good one! I got to go, try not to get killed on the first day, doofus!" Lauren yelled back to Dinah and Normani as she slipped into her homeroom.

"Hey, Shawn!" Lauren smiled and sat down, grateful she had at least one good friend in her homeroom.

"Hey, Lo! Ready to begin the first day of the last year?" he asked.

"I guess. I hope it's going to be a good year. I'm just going to focus on dance and my audition for NYU. Not any other bullshit."

"That's good. I'm sure you'll make it in too. You're amazing on that stage," Shawn beamed at the green-eyed girl.

"Thanks, dude. And you are too. You're gonna do great on your audition for AMDA," Lauren complimented.

"Hope so." Shawn was also a talented actor taking musical theater very seriously. He's been doing it since he was five as his parents used to be Broadway actors and encouraged him to take up the art.

After they finished talking and as Mr. McGrath welcomed everyone, suddenly a brown-eyed girl ran into the classroom. Lauren's heart dropped as she knew who that girl was in an instant. Camila Cabello.

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