Chapter 27

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Trigger Warning: Mention of drug/alcohol abuse

Lauren's POV

 "Okay, Lauren, all you have to do is to stop drinking, smoking, and having sex," I told myself in the mirror. "Girls and boys." Eh no, I'm too gay. I will not go that far with a boy ever again. I decided to tell myself this a few times during the day for self-motivation.

It was another Monday and the first night of my therapy session. I talked to Normani over the weekend and she knew of a place by where she lived that was a therapist office. She suggested that I see one for help. So, we spoke about it with my parents thoroughly and they agreed to sign me up. I was going to go every Monday and Friday.

Upon arriving, I signed in and was led to where the therapist's office was. Her name was Dr. Sweeney like Reno Sweeney in Anything Goes. Since I was a little early, I had to wait in the waiting room but when I got there, I was mildly surprised.

"Lauren?" Ariana Grande, my archenemy, looked up from whatever she was doing. She was waiting in the therapist's office too. What the hell?

"Uhh...hi?" I didn't know what to say.

"What are you doing here?" her brows were raised.




"To?" Geez, this nosey bitch.

"You already know," I rolled my eyes. Ariana knew about my past. A lot of people did.

"Well, I knew how crazy you were last year but I mean, I thought you changed," she shook her head in confusion.

"So did but I guess not enough. I messed up a little bit ago so I need help," I explained to her.


"What about you? You're here to see Dr. Sweeney too?" I questioned.

"No, she's my neighbor," she said.


"Yeah, she picks me up from school every other day and brings me here then takes me home," she told.

"Oh. You can't drive?" I stifled a laugh.

"So?" she gave me a dirty look while I just rolled my eyes again. "It's not like I need to anyway since I had a chauffeur...who was just fired." I already have to put up with her prissy self during school and now I got her here too?

There was still 4 minutes left till the therapist was ready for me. "So, what are you doing?" I asked Ariana.

"Going over notes for a song I'm working on," she monotonously answered.

"Oh, for songwriting?"

"Nope. Solo song," she stated.

"Solo song?" I narrowed my eyebrows.

"Yeah, I've been writing a few songs to take to the label who's looking at me." What?? Where was this coming from?

"What do you mean?" I was actually genuinely interested.

"Well, last summer, I went to LA and recorded a few demos for Republic Records and they liked me so they might sign me soon. I just got to write more songs and sing for them again."

"How did you get that opportunity?" I wondered.

"My dad knows people in the industry and they had a few reps come and see me perform at shows I do. Some have also seen my videos online." Oh yeah I forgot she did those.

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