Chapter 3

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As the next few weeks passed by, Lauren and Camila got to know each other better than when they were in the musical over the summer. Lauren was busy with dance every day while Camila rehearsed for the fall play playing the role of Vera Claythorne in And Then There Were None. Since their rehearsals ended at the same time in the evening and they lived in the same neighborhood just a few blocks down the road from each other, it made sense that they carpool to school and back together. This way they got even more time to spend with each other and of course save gas money. Sure the two were good friends before school began but this time around they got to learn even more about each other and talk about more things other than just theater. The girls definitely liked each other but they never told one another how they felt fearing rejection. They felt safe with just being good friends and that was fine. Everything was going so well until one day.

"Here's one for you and one for you," Shawn said as he passed out little slips of paper to Lauren and Normani that read a house address on it.

"Um, what is this?" Lauren asked.

"The address to the party tonight. You guys are going right?"

"I didn't even know there was one," Normani said surprised.

"Me neither," Lauren retaliated.

"I thought we mentioned it to you? The theater company is inviting people to another one of our parties and of course the hot dance team has to be there," Justin explained.

"Uh okay," Lauren said nervously.

"Do you think you could go?" Normani asked Lauren quietly.

"Oh yeah. Sorry, Lauren I kinda and parties," Shawn apologized hesitantly.

"It's okay. I'll ask my dad right after school. He said he could trust me again so maybe I can," Lauren answered.

"Hopefully. But even if you don't want to then that's understandable," Shawn explained.

"Yeah, Lo, I mean you've made so much progress this summer and I know you don't want to... you know...ruin it," the dance captain uttered.

"It's okay guys I'm a lot better now. I can handle it. But you guys should drink and have a good time. The company's parties are awesome," Lauren nodded.

"Hey, guys what's that?" Camila interrupted as she approached the lunch table with Dinah. She and Dinah were becoming really good friends lately.

"Just the address to the party tonight. Are you going?" Lauren asked the brown-eyed girl.

"I don't know. I've never been to a party before," Camila responded embarrassed. At her old school, she didn't have many friends, therefore, never got invited to a high school party.

"Aw, really? You should go they're tons of fun. And the company always throws the best ragers," Lauren smiled.

The theater company did indeed throw the best parties. The school praised them for it. It sounded strange but the company at South Miami was like the football team at any other school. They were the cool kids and everyone wanted to be them. The dance team was cool too; they were like the cheerleaders.

"Well, okay it's worth a shot," Camila smiled. Lauren was now even more excited that the girl she liked was going too, well if Lauren could in the first place.

"Okay so it's at Connor Wheeler's house at 8 pm. They're making people pay for drinks if you don't bring your own so bring like $5," Shawn explained.

"Great! This is gonna be so much fun," Lauren squealed. If she could go.


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