Chapter 8

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Lauren's POV

    Another Monday rolled around and I knew this was going to be an important one. I thought about what Camila and I talked about during our date on Saturday and concluded I was going to quit the dance team. I was afraid of what my coach and Normani would to think. Even the whole team. It was definitely going to be hard on them but knowing that Dinah would be a great replacement for me made me feel a little better about this choice.

    I talked to my parents about my decision on Sunday and fortunately they couldn't have been more supportive. They already knew musical theater was more of my passion and were quick to agree that this was a smart thing for me to do.

    We discussed all the benefits of me doing theater and not dance. Some of them included that it would help me practice my auditioning and performance skills for my audition for NYU. It would also get me more experience for shows to participate in, increasing my chances of acceptance.

    I was confident in my decision and crossed my fingers that the rest of the team would be supportive as well.

    Walking into the building I felt nervous; a feeling I only get around Camila because well, she can make me feel all kinds of things.

    "Elphie, you're trembling," Camila said next to me, quoting a line from Wicked as we walked together hand in hand to our lockers. She noticed how uneasy I looked.

    "Am I really? Sorry, I'm just a little nervous for today," I said quietly.

    "I know. I'm sure you'll be fine though. Normani's your best friend and like you said, she knows about your passion for theater so, she may not take it badly," she assured me as we approached her locker.

    "Let's hope so," I sighed leaning my back against the locker to the right of hers.

    She pouted cutely causing me to lean in to lightly peck her lips. "You're probably really excited for me to do this," I smirked.

    "I am but only because you're doing this for yourself," she explained. "At least I hope you're doing this for yourself and not for me. I want my suggestion for you to do this to be completely up to you, Laur."

    "I'm doing this for myself, Camila. But your suggestion and idea was something I needed to hear. And I'm really glad that I can also be with you more by making this decision," I smiled while we walked to my locker.

    "Yeah, that's a bonus too," she chuckled.

    "Hey, lovebirds!" Dinah called out as she approached us.

    "Hey, China," Camila greeted.

    "Hi, Dinah," I smiled.

    "How was your date on Saturday?" she smirked. "Y'all needa give me the dirty details."

    "Dinah!" I exclaimed in embarrassment.

    "Chill, Ralph. I'm just messing around but seriously though I see you two holding hands n' shit. What's up with that?"

    "Well, we did make it official," I said smiling down at my beautiful girlfriend and her smiling back.

    "Really? Congrats, Camren!" the Polynesian beamed jumping up and down.

    "What's Camren?" I asked confused.

    "Camila plus Lauren equals Camren, duh."

    Camila chuckled while I just rolled my eyes at my friend's silly comment. I then just walked away with my girl to our homeroom.

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