Chapter 2

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"Sorry I'm late! I'm new and didn't know where to go," Camila said out of breath from jogging.

"That's perfectly fine. You must be Camilla Cabello right?" Mr. McGrath asked pronouncing her name incorrectly.

"CamEEla CabeYo actually but it's okay."

"Oh, sorry," he chuckled, "everyone this is CamEEla CabeYo. A senior transferring all the way from California and since this is her first day at South Miami, please make her feel welcome. You can have a seat anywhere you like, miss," the teacher smiled.

"Thank you," Camila sat down shyly avoiding eye contact with her peers.

Lauren was internally freaking out. It was her. Camila was actually at her school. This year was going to be a lot more interesting. Now, she just needed to go and talk to her even though she was sweating just at the sight of her. She hasn't seen or spoken to the other actress in almost four weeks, what was she supposed to say? What if she didn't want to talk to her? Could that be the reason why she hadn't called or texted back? When Camila found out she would be going to the same school as Lauren why didn't she let her know? Lauren decided to wait till the end of homeroom to make her move. Right when the bell rang, Camila quickly grabbed her stuff and made her way out of the room. Before she could get too far away, Lauren grabbed the younger girl's shoulder turning her around.

"Hey, you!" Lauren grinned happily meeting the chocolate orbs.

"Lauren! Oh my God, hey! I was wondering when I was going to see you around," Camila said just as happy to see the other girl.

"Yeah, I didn't know you were coming to South Miami. You should've let me know. I tried texting you a few times."

"I know but the decision was so last minute and I guess I wanted to surprise you," Camila said shyly. She was so cute, Lauren thought.

"Oh, so how did your parents decide to send you here?" Lauren asked curiously.

"Well, I had to convince them. They're pretty strict and conservative so they wanted me to go to a Catholic school but I begged them to let me come here. I told them that this school has a great theater program and the other school, I think La Salle? didn't and that worked I guess. I can only go here if I do theater since they want me to get a scholarship to a performing arts college."

"Oh cool I could have gone to La Salle too or Carrollton but this school has the best performing arts. So, you'll be doing the shows here?" Lauren questioned glumly.

"Yeah looks like it. And even if I wasn't forced to do the shows here, I would do them anyway. I love the theater and like you said, this school has a great company."

"It does. They do awesome shows and have really talented members. I'll definitely come and see you," Lauren said sadly because she never got to be apart of the school's theater company and with Camila joining, it made her even more upset.

"Wait, you're not doing the shows?" Camila asked surprised.

"Unfortunately not," Lauren sulked, "I wish but I'm on the dance team and that takes up too much of my time to do a production."

Camila frowned. "Oh, that's too bad. I was looking forward to doing one with you again. But I guess if you're on the dance team then I'll come watch your shows...or competitions...or whatever you do," she giggled.

"Yeah thanks," Lauren chuckled still a little upset.

As the rest of the day passed by, Lauren and Camila found out that they had AP Calculus, AP English, and Acting 4 which was an advanced senior class. Both of them were very smart, taking as many AP courses as they could even though they were planning on going to performing arts schools. NYU was academically challenging so they needed to take advanced classes earning good grades.

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