Chapter 24

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Camila didn't get it. She just didn't get why everything that happened last night, happened. It was confusing. She went from the happiest girl in the world to the saddest in an instant. For once, she loved how things were going in her life and enjoyed it. Happiness and love were the only things she wanted and she had it until now. Up until yesterday she was taken of her right to love and pursuit of happiness.

She didn't know her parents anymore. They were not the same people she grew up loving. They were monsters. Well, her mother mostly. Alejandro kept quiet and watched from the sidelines. Who knows what was going through his head. But Camila still didn't understand why they had to do that. She felt tortured, abused, unloved and unwanted. What was going to happen to their relationship now and in the future was beyond her. But nothing was ever going to be the same again.

And what about Lauren? Her girlfriend, her lover, her ultimate source of joy. Will she ever be able to see her again? Camila could only hope that the universe didn't totally hate her and would still let her see the love of her life at least one more time. The brunette's heart ached whenever she imagined Lauren, thinking about their future together. She wanted one with her. She wanted to go to NYU with her girlfriend, live together in the city, maybe work together at a restaurant, eventually get engaged and marry, have kids, and become Broadway legends. They were soulmates.

If only her parents didn't see that though. If only the girls didn't kiss out in the street. If only they would have just driven away in the car. If only things went differently, they could have saved themselves. But life has hit love and this was their fate.

This was what went through Camila's mind all night. She lied down on her floor not even bothering to lie in her bed and thought. She thought about all the things she wished she would've said, all the things she wished she would've done differently, everything. Camila didn't sleep at all. She was tired beyond belief but she was just too sad and distraught to fall asleep. She needed to stay up all night thinking about these things.

It was 9 am when the brown-eyed Cuban got an idea. Camila mentally slapped herself for not thinking of it sooner. She crawled into her bathroom and grabbing a bobby pin, crawled back over and unlocked her bedroom door. Huh, it was that easy. But even if she did that earlier, Sinu and Alejandro would've dragged her ass back into her room like a princess banished to a tower.

Slowly, Camila pushed her door open and peeked out. She saw that her parents door was shut and let out a sigh of relief. She crept downstairs, grabbed the home phone, went outside, and dialed Lauren's cell phone number. Luckily she was a good girlfriend and knew it by heart.


Lauren and Keana were asleep in Keana's bed until about 8:40 am. It was fine though because the brunette's parents and grandparents were out for the night and so the girls had the house to themselves. And thank God because Lauren had a pretty intense episode.

Keana was an early riser and liked to start her day with a cup of coffee. So, she threw on her robe, got herself ready in the bathroom, and made her favorite cup. While she was brewing it though, she heard a vibrating from the kitchen counter. It was Lauren's phone which read that "Camila's home" was calling. Keana didn't know a Camila but then again didn't really know much of any Lauren's friends assuming Camila was one of them. The brunette didn't want to wake up Lauren because she was out cold from the excessive amount of alcohol she consumed, but she could leave her a message.

Keana: "Hello?"

Camila: "Hi, who's this?"

Keana: "I'm uh...Lauren's friend."

Camila: "Lauren's friend? Well, I'm Lauren's girlfriend and you don't sound like any of Lauren's friends that I know."

Camila was getting a little feisty. She didn't know who this "friend" was. It wasn't Normani, Dinah, Ally, Justin, Shawn or anyone else they talked to or shared classes with. She wasn't very happy about this at all.

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