Chapter 15

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Trigger warning: Mention of alcohol/drug abuse

Lauren's POV

I just finished my homework before Camila texted me letting me know she was on her way over. Perfect timing. I prepared to get ready as I made my bed and got Netflix ready. A few minutes later I heard a knock on my door.

"Hey, babe," I greeted my girlfriend happily as I opened my door.

"Hi," she kissed my lips quickly. I could instantly tell there was something bothering her by the look on her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I'm just tired," she said quietly. Yeah right.

I let her in and we settled on my bed to cuddle. She nuzzled her head between my head and neck while I wrapped my arm around her. This was our usual cuddling position as it was so comfortable.

"What do you want to watch?" I asked.

"Glee's fine," she answered. Right when I turned on the latest episode we were on she spoke again sitting up a little to face me. "Laur, something happened at dinner," she said looking at me intently and caressing my cheek with her finger. I knew something was up.

"What was it?"

"So," she started and sat up completely, "My mom told my family that she was inviting her friends' family from work over...for dinner this Saturday." This was hard for her to say.

"Alright and?" Where was she going with this?

"Her friends' son is in our theater company."

Watch it be Austin.

"And it's Austin."

Whoop there it is."Oh," I said quietly avoiding eye contact.

"But don't worry nothing's gonna happen," she tried to assure me.

I shook my head. "You say that now but what if something does? What if he says something to you tomorrow about it?"

"He might but nothing's gonna happen because tomorrow I'm going up to him and telling him I'm not interested," she stated simply attempting to solve the issue.

"Are you sure? You heard what Ariana said about him being all sweet at first then being an asshole. I'm worried for you."

"I know but I have to do this before the dinner. Before anything gets too far fetched."

"Okay but I'm coming with you. I'm making sure he knows your intentions crystal clear," I insisted.

"That's fine but promise me you'll behave. Don't rip his head off."

"I almost did after the way he was looking at you during class today. Dickhole," I mumbled.

"Lauren, it's going to be okay. We'll talk to him tomorrow and tell him that we're together," she stated seriously. "I'm kinda surprised he doesn't already know. It's not like we boast about our relationship to others but a lot of people know about us."

"Yeah they do, but Austin's not like most people. Remember he doesn't know or talk to a lot of people? I don't think he really cares to either. He seems self-absorbed."

"You got that right. I saw him in the hallway and he stared at himself in the mirror on his locker for like three minutes making sure his hair looked good," she scoffed.

I laughed and rolled my eyes, "Yeah he's a tool."

We settled back to lying down on the bed and continued to watch Glee. It was the first episode of season four when Rachel was just starting her freshman year at NYADA in New York City. I always loved watching this season. It reminded me of my dream to go to college in New York to study musical theater. And that dream was already in progress since my audition for NYU Tisch was just less than two months away in January. I was going to plan on singing "Fly, Fly Away" just like I did for Les Mis, but I thought about it and decided to do something else. I don't know what yet but I'll figure it out soon.

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