Chapter 11

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Lauren's POV

I woke up pretty early the next morning and rubbed my eyes trying to recall where I was as I usually do every morning. While I continued to wake, I focused on the beautiful girl in my arms. Camila had her face buried in my neck right when we fell asleep but soon turned her body away from me allowing me to be the big spoon and drape my arm protectively around her torso. I looked down at her, cracking a smile at how adorable she looked still sleeping. Not being able to resist the urge, I leaned down and pecked the smaller girl's cheek then caressed it with my finger.

    That was the first night we slept overnight with each other and I just felt so comfortable. My body fit with hers so well and I loved cuddling with her in my arms. I propped myself up with my free elbow resting my head on my hand and watched her, probably looking creepy as hell but I didn't care. My heart swelled every time her facial expression changed which was often. Her face looked concerned then no expression then ended up in a smile. So fucking cute. She was probably having a nice dream or something.

    Fifteen minutes later I noticed her stirring awake and put my phone down to greet her.

    "Good morning, sleepy head," I said softly in a baby tone.

    "Good morning," she smiled and voiced huskily.

    "Did you sleep well?"

    "Yeah, but only because you were with me," she smirked.

    "I'm a good big spoon aren't I?" I smiled proudly.

    "The best," she whispered and kissed my cheek. "I would kiss your lips but my breath is disgusting."

    "It is. You should really take care of that," I teased.

    "Yeah? Well you ain't so fresh yourself," she retaliated.

    "I'll always be fresher than you,"

    "Tell that to your dried up drool on the corner of your mouth," Camila giggled.

    I instantly covered my mouth in embarrassment. Shit that wasn't smooth at all. Camila laughed at how flustered I was. Two can play at that game.

    "Oh really?" I smirked and threw my hands over to her stomach and began tickling her eliciting laughter from the younger girl.

    "Lauren! Stop!" Camila laughed loudly causing the other girls to wake up.

    "Ugh you guys are so damn loud!" Dinah complained throwing a pillow at us.

    "Blame Lolo," Camila stuck her tongue out at me.

    "Lolo?" I began tickling her again mercilessly.

    "I'm so fucking single," Normani sulked after she woke. Ally giggled while rubbing her eyes.

    "I'm gonna go freshen up then," Camila said after I finally relented on our playfulness. She grabbed her overnight bag and headed towards Dinah's bathroom. I watched her exit admiring her nice backside before I turned to look at Dinah glaring at me.

    "What?" I asked.

    "You and Camila were doing the nasty last night," she scolded.

    "We weren't doing the nasty! We were just making out before your loud ass interrupted," I explained annoyed.

    "Well sorry I don't want y'all doing that on my couch. I know your ways, Jauregui. You were planning to go all the way."

    "No I wasn't," I rolled my eyes, shaking my head.

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