Chapter 28 (Part 2)

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Lauren's POV

 "Hey, Lauren?" Ariana asked.

"Yeah?" I turned over to her.

"Are you doing anything tonight?"

"No," I answered.

"Okay because I want to take you somewhere."

I had just finished up my Friday therapy session. It went really great too. Sweeney and I talked about everything that had happened between Camila and I in the bathroom on Tuesday. She said she was really proud of how I handled it and so was I. I didn't do anything extra or illegal and actually handled it maturely. Sweeney said I was improving and getting better quickly which was impressive to her. I kept feeling better too and each day got easier. Soon enough, I think I'll be recovered again.

"Get in your car and I'll tell you where to go," Ariana instructed as we were outside in the parking lot.

"Wait, does Sweeney know you're coming with me?"

"Yeah," she nodded excitedly.

I wasn't too sure what we were doing but I liked being spontaneous. We got into my car and Ariana told me where to drive to. We drove for 20 minutes into downtown and eventually pulled into some sort of warehouse.

"Where the hell are we?" I softly chuckled, turning the car off.

"Just follow me," she quickly got out.

"You're not gonna torture or kill me in there are you?" I followed behind her.

"Will you hush," she rolled her eyes and knocked on the door.

"Hey, Ari, we're all ready for you," an older man opened up, greeting her.

"Thanks, Bill," she smiled and took my hand, pulling me along.

Inside it looked like we were in some kind of studio? There were different places where sets were set up and cameras. There were loads of people walking around, working on computers and some in an office.

"Um, Ariana, are you gonna tell me where we are now?" I asked looking around at everything.

"Hey, babe, ready to go today?" some blonde guy asked as we approached him.

"Yep," Ariana answered.

"Okay, Lauren, I'm here to shoot a video," Ariana finally told me. "This is Mark and he's directing it."

"Really? A video for what?" I asked.

"Just a visual for one of Ariana's songs," Mark said.

"Yeah, I recorded a new song called 'Dangerous Woman' and we're just gonna film a video for it. It's not anything major or a real music video but it's just for the label."

"And you wanted me to come?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Well, yeah I need someone to tell me if I look good," she said.

"You're too much," I chuckled.

The director led us over to the set and it looked pretty cool. It was dim and there was a couch with a curtain. I wondered what the theme was going to be.

"Okay, I'm gonna go change," Ariana told me and left. I sat down behind the set and looked at my phone in the meanwhile.

"Alright, how do I look?" Ariana walked over to me and my eyes instantly widened at her.

The brunette had on black lacy lingerie a choker and holy fuck it made me speechless. She looked so fucking hot, I couldn't believe it.

"Like it?" she spun around slowly in front of me.

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