The first letter

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Instead of Chapters, I'm putting letters, how cool haha. Okay. So the picture above is of Melanie, Enjoy reading😄
"Melanie, how was your weekend, we didn't see you at the party!?" One of my friends, Katy, asks.
"I don't know, who did you do at the party?" I smirk. Not that I have anything to hide about my Netflix marathon by myself, but they all seem upset that I didn't go to the party and I'm starting to feel the pang of guilt inside. I am so anti-social it's insane.
"I did not-okay actually-it's none of your business." She blushes.
"Ooh, who's the lucky man?!" Another one of my friends, Piper, squeals.
"Ross." She smirks. We all squeal, except me, I make a gagging noise and try to swallow the vomit that came up.
  Ross is a senior like us, but he's been held back for three years. Sad, yes. But I'm starting to think he does it on purpose because all the girls think they think they can change his I-don't-care-about-school-or-anyone ways but all have been complete and utter fails. I honestly could care less about the pile of broken hearts at his feet, but now that one of them is going to be my best friends, I feel a knot tie in my stomach followed by a queasy feeling.
"Are you together or was this a one night thing?" I ask out of the blue.
"It was a one night thing, chill out I don't actually like the dude." She snaps. That's it, she got attached and now she's hiding her emotions from us. Damn you Ross and your bad boy reputation.
"Can I talk to you for a sec, alone." I demand.
"Sure." She glares. I guide her to the washrooms and check if anyone's in here. When I don't see any feet, I start talking to her.
"What's going on? Did he hurt you? You never snap at me. Did you get attached? What did he do to my boo? I swear I will rip his throat out and feed it to the pig that he is." I threaten.
She takes a deep breath in, hurt and anger in her eyes but quickly mustered out when I focus on the newly shed tears on her cheeks. I grab a tissue nearby and hand it to her.
"I've never told anyone this so you better as hell keep it a secret. We're dating but were openly dating so we can both screw around with people but now I don't think it's such a good idea because I want him to be all mine, and I want to be all his. But I'm afraid if I tell him or look into those beautiful green eyes of his I'll completely forget everything that I wanted to say and chicken out." She sighs.
"Well, now you can see why I'm single and haven't really dated anyone in my life. But it's not okay that this is, was even a thing. You march right up to him today, tonight or right now and tell him it's either you or the countless others that dwell at his command, but make it seem like your not desperate. You'll say this,'Ross, it's either me, or one of your mindless minions, there's one of me but there are hundreds of them.' Then walk away and make him beg for you." I command. She nods her head, drys her tears and marches out there.
"Hey Ross!" She announces so the whole hallway heard. Then emerges Ross. That cumquat. I swear I will chop this guys balls off so he can't have the pleasure of doing anyone or anything ever again.
"Hey sugar, what's up." He smirks, grabbing her waist and pulling her close to him. He props up one of his hands on the lockers and leans on them while holding Katy.
"I don't like that we have an open relationship. I want all of you. You can either have all of me or the hundreds of little minions at your disposal. There's only one me but there's one hundred others. I really like you, and I want to give you all of me. Please let me have all of you." She repeats my words. Except for the last part, ew.
"Babe, I said that I want to see other people. But now that I think of it, your the only one that has ever confronted me about my ways, so I'll give it a shot, I'll give us a shot." He swoons. He leans down and kisses her. That's when I look away and head back to our group.
"You are a miracle worker, now fix me and Brady. He said that their could be others out there and he doesn't want to be held down by me anymore. He wants to-sob-end things with us, he's done with me but I'm not done with him yet." Hadley, the last of our small group of four, cries. I bring her in for a friendly three second hug, I know stupid to time hugs but who cares, that's me for you, and then tell her the exact same thing I just told Katy.
"Thank you, I'll do it at lunch time because I thought that it was going to be our last lunch together, but, we'll see." She smiles.
We all part our ways because sadly, life is not a movie and friends do not have all the same classes together. I have a class with all boys, autos class. Well actually, there's a couple of weird girls who just stay in the corner texting while there supposed to be working, but now you can see why I don't include them. Some girls may envy my spot with all the schools hottest guys but I certainly do not. They look at me like I'm a plate of there favourite meal and it disgusts me. I am not a door, you can't just bang on me every time you want to.
"Hey there, nice ass." A guy named Todd smirks. A bunch of cat whistles go out as I walk by and instantly ask myself why I joined this corse. Extra credit, looks good on your application to wherever your going or whatever doing in life. I turn around and glare at him but then smile, oh how misleading I am.
"Why thank you, I wish I could say your a nice ass, but oh, nope, your just an ass." I smirk then go to the group of all girls that are around my car that I'm currently changing the engine to. At the end of the year when the snow dance is over we're all going to test drive our cars and see if they work. That's the part that I look forward to because we get to go mudding. I grab the tools that I need along with a stool because my 5'4 body can't reach the engine without jumping into the car. I tie my straight blondish brown hair into a ponytail and put on the oil-stained grey jumpsuit. I put on the safety goggles and the protective shoes and get to work.
"Maybe after your done working on the car you can come and work on th-"
"Maybe after you shut your shit filled mouth you would be slightly less annoying." I interrupt an annoying kid named Philip. Not that his name matters, at all.
Continuing working on my car, the warning bell rings, signalling that there is only five minutes remaining in class. I start to tidy up and put supplies back in its proper spot. I put my jumpsuit, shoes and safety glasses in my used-to-be gym bag. It still reeks of sweat. I am about to walk out of the class to go to the water fountain just outside the class when Willis gets in my way, blocking the exit.
"Let me go, I'm thirsty." I demand.
"Then you can suck on th-"h
"I can suck on a tic-tac after I'm done getting a drink of water once you move your fluffing arm out of my way before I rip it out of its socket." I warn Willis.
"Only if I can have your phone number." He asks slyly. You know what, I'd rather be dehydrated for the rest of my life then give this pathetic waste of skin my number.
"I'd rather have no water." I protest. Just as he puts his arm down in complete and utter shock, I run out of the room and take a sip of water from the fountain and smirk as I go back to a defeated Willis.
"Awe shucks, looks like I won. And I suppose water taste better then this lovely cherry flavoured tic-tac, actually-crunch-it doesn't, this is good." I chew.
"I will get your number one way or another." He plans.
"Well, all my friends have boyfriends, so you can't really whoo them now can you? And I've never actually dated anyone before high school, so no exes to track down and make them give you my number, so your kind of at a loss again aren't you buddy? I think that's now 2-0 for me." I retort. I love winning. Almost as much as seeing his face as I sway my hips side to side to the beat of my own drum, drama should be drama free right? Wrong. And no pun intended.

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