The seventh letter

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I couldn't decide which hairstyle to choose for Friday's dance, so leave in the comments what your to choices are, top or bottom!! Greatly appreciated, Enjoy😄
  "So, what's that I see on you neck?" Hadley asks. I get stares from the rest of the girls and instantly turn a deep shade of red. I slams my locker door shut and bring the collar of my sweater over top. I though I covered it up with the make up but I guess not.
  "My dog jumped up on me and Chews claws cut my neck." I lie. My dog is like a horse and is taller then my 5'4 figure on his hind legs, so it's pretty believable.
  "I don't believe you. You always stray you eyes from us and look at something else when you lie, you also twirl your hair on your finger like your doing right now." Katy points out. The rest of the girls nod in agreement.
  "Okay fine, but promise not to tell, I'm not supposed to say anything." I explain. They nod there heads and huddle in so they can hear me as we walk to class. "When you guys left, Tegan and I went for a swim and one thing led to another so yeah. I'm not saying anything else until after school." I tell. They all sigh and then gasp as their minds wander into the dirtiest of things. Oh yes, it's got pretty dirty. What their thinking right now is probably correct.
  "Gotta get to class, see you at lunch." I chime and wave goodbye to a stunned group of three. I walk into AP English and take my spot by the window in the second row. I open my binder and take out the homework that I never did. Shit. We were supposed to write a minimum of one page on a topic of our choice that we feel should be more known to the public. I choice a touchy subject and that's the sexual rape and sexual abuse to under aged children.
  I start writing down my thoughts, luckily I'm a fast writer and get the project done just as the warning bell goes off. For once I'm glad that Piper all picks us up early for school. She's the only one that has a car so she's our taxi driver until graduation. I've been saving for a car and I'm almost at the required amount for the car of my dreams. I hand in my homework in the hand in bin and go to take my seat. Someone took the spot next to me and I already know who it is. Tegan.
  "What are you doing?! Your not even in this class!" I protest.
  "Baby girl, I am now. You should be happy that I'm sitting here, all the guys are talking about getting a piece of you." He cringes. His fists are clenched and I reach out to them and unclench his fist and place his hand on my leg.
  "So you joined AP English just so you could be with me?" I blush.
  "I'd take a bullet for you. I'm sorry about last night, I know you wanted to wait, but I couldn't, I needed you." He whispers. He leans his head down and sighs.
  "Hey, I could've stopped you if I really wanted to, but did I?" I ask. He shakes his head and starts to draw circles on my leg. Electricity flows through my body at his touch and in trying really hard to not do or say anything about it.
  "Your coming over to mine after school. I'm driving. I noticed that you don't have a car." He demands.
  "Fine, but me and the girls always get ice cream after school on Thursdays so there better be some ice cream or else I am going to be very mad." I lie. I just really want ice cream.
  "Okay, I suppose I'll get ice cream. I don't want to make you mad." He coos.
  The final bell rings and I snap my head up to see my English teacher walk in. He's in his mid-twenties, so every single girl, or every slut, eyes him up and down. I got to admit, he is pretty attractive.
  But Tegan's the one who de-flowered you. You also de-flowered him.
  I don't need a mental reminder of what we did yesterday. I blush in embarrassment. What if someone saw us. I don't care, I had an amazing time last night and I hope he did too.
  "I hope everyone, with the exception of our transfer student, handed in their homework." He sighs. He writes down today's assignment on the board and I screech, in my head, from happiness. English is my favourite subject if you couldn't tell already.
  "Today you will be given a book to read and by next week I would like a book report written about the book that I will be assigning. By the way, the person that gets the same book as you is your partner. You can either work in pairs or share the work. It is a partner assignment so you will need to at least email, text or FaceTime your buddy. Am I clear?" He questions. We all nod our heads and he starts handing out library slips along with our book title.
  I end up getting The Giver. I've read the book already, several times actually. It's a really good book and the author, Lois Lowry, is an amazing writer and I wish that I could be able to write the way that he does someday. Or the way John Green writes. Paper towns and Looking for Alaska are my favourite. I head to the library after gathering my things. I go to the L section and scan the shells for my book. I finally find it. Just as I'm about to take one of the four copies, someone's hand meets mine and I jolt back like I just touched a hot frying pan.
  "Where did you come from?!" I screech, whispering of course.
  "I guess we got assigned the same book judging by the way we're both going for the same book." Tegan smirks.
  "Good observation. Did you miss me that much that you had to trick one of my poor classmates into giving you the same book as me?" I say sarcastically.
  "No, we just have good luck. And yes I did miss you, those awful twenty seconds without you were torture to my heart." He mocks, putting his hand over his heart in mock pain.
  "Nice to know that you have a heart, tin-man." I chime. I grab The Giver and walk to an open table. Sadly, Tegan follows behind and sits down in front of me.  He touches my leg with him and I kick him in the shin. He lets out a whimper and gives me a death stare.
  "You know, you'd be a lot more scarier if you weren't my... Boyfriend." I pat.
  "Let's just start reading, shall we." He sighs. 1-0 for Melanie. 
  A phone buzzes and Tegan jolts in shock after throwing his book ten feet in the air. His chair starts tilting backwards and the end result is he ends up cursing while laying on the floor. I burst out in laughter, after I unsuccessfully tried to contain it. He checks his phone and instantly gets a smile on his face. I get a hunch that it's from a girl and instantly stop laughing due to the lack of funniness in this situation. Is he cheating on me? That's a question I'm not prepared to know the answer to, I know I have to ask him sooner or later, maybe when we go out after school for ice cream.

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