The fifth letter

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^A picture of Melanie's bikini and her winter dance dress!!! Enjoy😄 like usual
"Okay, okay stop what do you want from me!" I screech as Tegan splashes me with water.
It's not cold I just like to get used to the water on my own terms plus, I put my hair up so it purposely doesn't get wet, and now it's soaking so what's the point. I take my hair out of the bun that it was in and swoosh my hair around so it's evenly distributed on my head. I run my fingers through so my hair is slicked back. He's going to get what he deserves. I pick up a bucket of water from the pale that he had so we could build sand castles, and fill it up with water.
"That's not fair!" He argues.
"You only say that because you didn't think of it first!" I laugh. I run towards him and he just watches me run towards him in pure awe. Pervert. I dump the water over his head and watch in satisfaction as the water drips down his face. He looks even sexier now, if that's even possible. His six-pack right in my line of view, I can't help but let my eyes wander down his body. He does the same to me and everywhere he looks sends a shock through my body like he's actually touching everywhere he looks.
"Like what you see?" I smirk.
"Very much." He says in a husky low voice. My knees start growing weak. This boy will be the reason I drown. Okay, that sounded really sexual and it wasn't meant to.
"Well then come closer." I say suductivly. Two can play at this wooing game. He walks slowly towards me, taking his time. When he gets close to me, he extends one hand to cup the left side of my face, the other going around my hips, securing me from escaping. I put one of my hands around his neck, the other going on his chest. Good girl gone bad.
"Am I aloud to kiss you, or are we still doing that friend thing?" He asks. Screw being the goodie-goodie, I'm done, for tonight, that is.
"I'm tired of being friends." I say, pulling his head into kiss me, but he stops as our lips are just inches away. I tilt my head down and mentally curse at myself. Too fast.
"Hey, look at me." He says, bringing one of his hands to tilt my chin upwards to meet his beautiful moonlit face. "The only reason why I stopped is because when we start, I don't think I can bring myself to stop." He smirks.
"And I'm okay with that." I whisper, my breath coming out in huffs. My heart is racing and I'm afraid that if I don't get the satisfaction of him kissing me, I might just faint.
"There's something I want to ask first." He says. I sigh and nod my head.
"Your mine if I'm yours." He says. I can't wait anymore and decide to show him how I feel.

I kiss him under the moonlight, sparks and butterflies and so many emotions going through my body make me melt into the kiss. Our lips smash together like they were the perfect fit for each other. I was longing to do this ever since that day in grade three when he walked in. Not at this intensity level, but similar. He starts from my lips and moves down to my jaw then my neck. He finds the right spot and I let out a moan, he bites there softly enough that it doesn't hurt but hard enough that I know that there is going to be a little something to show the girls tomorrow. I grab his face and bring him back to my lips. We kiss until we can't breath anymore and we need to pull apart.
  He looks at me with such hunger in his eyes like I'm the only girl in the world. He wants me to himself, and I honestly don't mind because I want him all to myself too. Once I can catch my breath, I trace circles on his chest, going over each of his abs. He lets out a low growl and I look into his eyes. I bring one hand up slowly to his neck, the other going up and down his chest. He puts one hand around my waist and the other goes slowly up my body until his hand is on the back of my neck. He lifts me up in one swift motion and we head to the shore. He sets me down on the towel on the beach, water is dripping from his hair and body onto me.
  His body is on top of mine, and I can't help but think, what if someone were to see us? I'm so caught up in the moment that I really don't care. I've waited too long for him and this moment. I get this nervous feeling in my stomach and I instantly regret thinking too much. We're moving too fast for our own good. Even though we've known each other for a long time, it feels rushed. It doesn't feel like he cares enough, I know that he does, but what if I'm just a one time fling? Do I even know if he actually likes me? I'm overthinking this and I'm probably ruining the moment by my negative mind and vibes.
  "You okay?" He asks. He flips us so I'm on top of him, straddling his half naked body, I can't help but let my mind wander to what it looks like with everything off.
You are one hormonal teenager Melanie.
  True to that, but I can't help it, when I have someone like Tegan with me. I can't help but want every piece. Normally it's the guy thinking like this but I'm not sexist so I am aloud to think however I want, and it's not like he can read my mind, holy cow zone, can he read my mind?
If he could read your mind, don't you think he'd be gone by now?
  True, again. He kisses my jaw then moves down to my stomach then moves down my leg then goes upwards. This time, his hands trail behind the kisses and they stop at my bottom part of my bikini. He looks at me for permission to take off the bottom part.
"Stop. Sorry, I think we're moving too fast for our first date, or whatever the hell this is." I sigh.
"It's okay. We can just sit together, and there's always Friday." He chirps. Friday, Friday. Oh the dance.
"You little nasty." I retort. We both let out a laugh. This feels nice, just being in each other's company. We lay beside each other and talk about each other's life's, embarrassing childhood stories and interesting facts about each other.
"Okay, so this one time I was going to camp and this guy tried to drown me, do you remember that? I was super upset and he didn't even get into trouble, the principle just talked to him and said,'don't do it again.' She also made him apologies to me but it meant nothing." I smile, looking back at elementary memories is so much fun because you think that you're so cool and everything, but in reality that angry birds shirt was only in style for about a year.
"Oh ya, Brady. I wanted to hurt him so bad for making you cry and ruining your camp experience. I liked you back then, did you know that? I liked you ever since you looked at me the very first day of grade three." He admits, looking over to me. I look at him with such longing. I want to feel his lips on mine again, and he knows it because he smirks. I let out a frustrated sigh and break the gaze.
"I liked you ever since grade three too! That's so frustrating! Our life's could be amazing right now because we would've been together for like, the longest time, six years. But I don't mind having you all to myself now." I smile, looking back at his loving eyes.
Kiss me. My brain chants. He starts leaning in and our faces are a mere inch apart.
"Tell me no now, because I don't know if I can stop a second time." He whispers. I close the space between us and get on top of him. I straddle his body and lean down next to his ear.
"I don't think I can stop myself this time either." I whisper. "That's why I'm going to save it for the night of the dance." I smirk getting off of him and heading towards the shack with my clothes.
When I get there, I notice a white and pink Polk-a-dot letter on the pile of clothes. My first instinct is to open it, the other part of me is hesitant, I have no idea what it is, and maybe that's why I decide to rip it open.

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