The eighth letter

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A picture of Melanie when Tegan and her went to the beach. Enjoy😄
  "So you think he's cheating on you now? But M, he took your V card!" Piper argues. We're currently sitting outside in our regular spot underneath an oak tree. I take a bite into my apple, enjoying the satisfaction of biting into it. I just got my braces off and I missed simple things like this.
  "And I took his." I murmur not too quietly. They all open their mouths and gawk at this new information that I have just told them.
  "You, he, what? I thought a guy like him would've lost his a long time ago." Katy shrieks.
  "Ya well, we were each other's first, and other thing I wasn't supposed to tell you. By the way, I'm getting a ride home with Tegan, we're getting ice cream. I'm going to ask him when we go." I explain. They all nod their heads and we continue eating until Lauren and her posse come to sit at our table.
"What are you Barbie dolls doing here?! Shouldn't you be back on the shelfs in Walmart?" Hayden sneers.
"We just wanted to come and make amends to what we have done. I know none of us are perfect, but we just wanted to apologize for what we have done. Also, can I talk to Melanie for a quick second, alone." She spits. She says my name with such hatred but plasters a fake smile on to make her look like Miss innocent. Too late, I've already seen the real side of Lauren to put my trust into her again.
"This better be quick, I'm starving and I honestly could care about your meaningless and empty threats." I bore.
"I told you that we could be friends but what do you do, you go and date Tegan behind my back and I have to find out the hard way. Look, I just want to warn you for what's to come, because it's not pretty. See you later sweets, I'd watch your back if I were you. I'll be watching you so don't you do anything stupid that I can use against you." She whispers the last part and I literally bring my fist up and collide it with her jaw. She falls down like a sack of potatoes and I crouch down next to her bleeding lip.
"I'm tired of being bullied and treated this way from stuck up bitches like you. Don't you dare threaten me again like that or you will be getting spot worse then a punch to the face. We clear?" I spit.
"Crystal." She smirks, whipping away the blood on her lip, she gets up and collides her shoulder with mine.
"You don't scare me, your a fucking minter and I wish everyone could see the real you, their just too blind to detect the imperfect body of a slut standing right before them. Back off of me, my friends and my boyfriend. I'm done with your drama. Go bring shame to someone else because I can promise you one thing." I take a threatening step towards her and she backs into the brick wall behind her, a tint of fear flashing through her eyes.
"Mess with me again or pull a stunt on any of my friends, and your in trouble. I will not take your bullshit threats like I did in the eighth grade." I threaten. With that I walk back to my table and finish my lunch, not saying anything to the girls no matter how many times they try to talk to me, I just stare at my food until there's nothing left and the bell rings. I get up and walk to my locker. Getting out my drama stuff I head to the theatre. Well looks like I have drama inside and out of this class.
"You know what to do so get to work class." Mrs. Devon instructs. Tegan walks over to me with disapproval written all over his face. On the bright side, Lauren never showed up for the double drama.
"How could you do that to her?" He asks. I'm guessing he's wondering why I did what I did.
"Long story." I state.
It's the truth, I don't really want to get into too much detail but Lauren made sure that I never got a boyfriend or had any friend except for my three musketeers that helped through the bullying that happened all throughout middle school. Who ever says middle school is amazing is lying. It's hell and it only gets worse in high school. It does not get better because then their true identities blend in with the other fake people around them, and trust me there are lots of them.
"Just try to explain. Why did you punch her of all things?" He asks.
"Just, I don't want to talk about it okay?!" I yell. I earn a few states from fellow students and lean back in my chair, wishing that I could just melt away.
"Okay look, I get it, she's a bitch and I don't understand why I ever dated her but physically hurting a human? Why?" He asks, trying to figure out why I did it.
"She threatened me, she said that she's watching me and not to do anything stupid that she an use as ammo, so instead of taking it, I let her know who was boss so I punched her. I'm tired of her walking all over me. I'm a person, not a carbon copy of a person that you can just press control alt and delete on.
"I'm not an image on a screen. You can't delete me that easily. You can't just say hurtful things behind my back or to my face and expect me to take it. I'm not that shell of a girl anymore. I am stronger then all of her minions put together. So don't get mad at me that I retaliated to something that she has been doing for the past 5 years of my life." I croak. I wipe the single tear that fell down my face and hope that he didn't see it because in my opinion it's a sign of weakness. And I am not a weak person anymore.
"Hey, look I'm sorry, I just heard her side of the story and she made you sound like a monster. I have no idea why I chose to believe her because I know what she has done to you. I'm sorry Mel. I truly am. Look, how about we ditch last period and get you ice cream early?" He proposes.
"Sure. If you're paying." I smirk. He nods his head and we start working on our drama assignment until the bell rings. We run out of the class and I head to my locker to put my stuff away as he does the same. He meets up at my locker and he intertwined our hands together and I look down at our hands and smile. I've never had my hand held before by a guy that I actually caught feelings for. Sorry meaningless boyfriends.
"To Dairy Queen we go!" I I struck and turn on some tunes. I recognize the familiar beat of Pillow Talk by Zayne. I tried so hard not to like this song but what can I say, I guess I understand why everyone was upset when he left. He has talent. Although I wish he had not dyed is hair bleach blonde.
"Pillow talk. My enemy, my ally. Prisoners, then were free. I'm seeing the pain seeing the pleasure nobody but you, body but me, nobody but us, bodies together. I love to hold you close tonight and always, I love to wake up next to you." I sing, very terrible because I turned the volume up all the way and it's more shouting then it is singing. Oh well. Tegan joins in for the chorus and I look at him and can't help but smile. He doesn't sound half bad actually. His hidden talents. He looks at me with a confused lol and that's when I realize that I've been staring at him for too long.
We finally pull into the parking lot of Dairy Queen and I skip inside, Tegan following behind. He's 6'4, a foot taller then me so one of his steps is two of mine. I order my Reese blizzard and go sit in a window booth. Tegan follows behind and we just sit and stare out the window for a while until I decide to ask him a question that has been bugging me all day.
"Tegan, who was that text from? Are you cheating on me?" I ask. I instantly regret it when he looks at me with a horrified and shocked expression all at the same time. I should've asked this question, never. Being cheated on would've been better then seeing him then hearing what was to come out of his mouth.
Oppsie, left it on a cliff hanger now did I? Sorry but I couldn't help it!! So do you think Tegan is cheating on Melanie or is she just being paranoid? Let me know in the comments below!!😄

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