Chapter 2: The Night Class Student

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As I sit by the fountain I hear somebody behind me. I whip my head around to see somebody in the night class uniform. He has blonde hair and blue eyes, I think his name is Hanabusa Aido. He looks at me and smiles, so I turn to face him.

"Hello, what is your name?" He says, giving me a weird look. He smells weird, not human but not ghoul.

"It's Natsuki, and shouldn't you be in class?" I ask.

"Oh? Are you not exited to see me?" He asks, tilting his head a bit to the side.

"No," I answer shortly, and turn around. I pull out my sketch pad, hoping that he would go away. He doesn't, and I notice him walk closer to me, leaning over my shoulder to see what I am doing.

"Hmm? What are you drawing?" He asks. Geez, this guy is annoying.

"Why would you care?"

"Just wondering what a pretty girl like you does," he flirts. I just ignore the comment and get up to walk away.

"Going so soon?" He asks, and I turn around again to face him. But instead of seeing his blue eyes, I see red ones instead. Suddenly, he grabs my wrist. I try to pull away, but he has my arm tight.

"What are you doing?" I ask him, but he replies by pulling me closer to him. I try to squirm away, be he won't let me. Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain in my neck. A vampire?! The night class students are vampires! I realize it quickly, and I try to get away again. But I didn't have to, because I notice Kaname pulled him away. I stand there awkwardly in shock. Kaname walks up to me and presses his hand to my forehead, and I black out.

"No! Stop!" I scream. A man stands in front of me, laughing maniacally.

"Please! No!" I sob, pain surging throughout my whole body as he kneels down to my foot.

The man cracks his finger and laughs more. He sticks a needle in my arm, causing me to grow weaker. Then, he grabs his pliers again.

I wake up panting, tears streaming down my face. This is why I don't sleep. Then I remembered what happened last night, did Kaname try to erase my mind? I was still pondering it when I realized I was going to be late on my first day of classes! I get up and quickly get dressed, then rush out the door with my notebooks and books. I brought my sketch pad just in case.

I opened the door to the classroom, and everyone turned to look at me. Did I go in the wrong class?

Then the teacher said, "Ah, this is our new student! Come to the front of the class to introduce yourself!"

I slowly walk up by her, my head down.

"My name is Natsuki Kireina," I mumble, still looking at the floor.

"Alright, Natsuki-San, go sit in the back of the class, by Zero!" She announces, and Zero turns to look at me. I look at the floor the whole way up to my seat and sit down. I didn't look at him or talk to him for the whole class.

It's lunch time, and I walk around the school because I can't eat the human food. Suddenly, a hand grabs me and pulls me into the woods. I look to see who it is, Aido? I pull my arm away, and he looks at me.

"You remember, don't you?" He asks. I decide to play dumb.

"Remember what?" I ask.

"About last night," he insisted.

"Er, no I don't remember, heh," I say as I walk away.

"Tch," I hear him mutter under his breath.

I finish all my classes for the day, and go to my dorm. I make my self a cup of coffee and sip it slowly, replaying the other nights scene. Should I tell the headmaster, or does he already know? Why does it have to be the one school I hoped to live peacefully have a big secret? I sigh, and put my cup away,  then jump out my window with my sketch pad, landing gracefully on the green grass. Then I climb a tree and sketch more, sketching whatever came to mind.

A few hours passed, and I hear a gun in the distance. What was that? I go over to where it was coming from to see two students passed out, Yuuki, Zero, Aido and someone I didn't recognize.

Alright how was that? Meh.

Also let me know if you want the story to be in any other point of views besides Natsuki's, thanks!

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