Daily reported in the West has been the concerted repression of "democracy activists", or "human rights" defenders with little acknowledgment to the chaos they have wreaked with little or no concern to the freedom of others that have no role.
The ongoing promotion of democracy as freedom and liberty on the Arabian Peninsula that the West tends to boast and yet we barely hear about who has promoted the word, the term that doesn't really exist on their own soil.
We are hypocritically condemned for our reactions yet the action that incurred the reaction is ignored.
Hijacked terms like 'Human Rights' and 'Democracy' are used to turn Arab Springs, into Arab Winters.
The ongoing protest has by no means anything to do with a democratic movement; it is a crusade and crusade that will lead to destruction not just of the targeted countries, but the entire world.
One of the secrets of media manipulation is to report the horror and strife of the world as though Western power, interests and machinations did not exist.
Vast poverty, injustice and chaos in the Third and Arab World are depicted as unconnected to the cool oasis of civilization in Europe and the United States, which look on benignly but helplessly, or pitch in heroically to right wrongs as far as they are able to- when they choose to.
Little will you hear about how they initiated the democracy promotion, creating an opposition in every nation and that this has been occurring on the ground for decades.
Little will you read about the results of the promotion that lead us to the battle fields the Arab world faces today.
The democracy promotion did not take into account the lives caught in the turmoil and the aftermath which is never really reported unless for the benefit of our Western allies.
Before I go on and before being promoted further as if we didn't know as if we are not educated or knowledgeable enough without Western interference, we all know what democracy is, and we have seen the "democracy" façade at work for hundreds of years now.
Earlier it was known as civilization versus savages. Yet the civilized were the savages and the savages were far more civilized, but they are not around to tell their story and even if they were, they would not be heard.
Arab's understand that democracy is by the people and for the people(but they also understand that it brings nothing with it) however today we are seeing another concept being introduced to us by the Western powers that be and this is "democracy with guns" - in the name of democracy and protecting people - and in the process very harsh, violent and destructive action is being taken against other countries with no accountability.
Hillary Clinton again stated and I like to remind my readers an important factor to just sink in again and again and understand, "I think it's important to recognize that back when the streets of Arab cities were quiet, the National Democratic Institute was already on the ground, building relationships, supporting the voices that would turn a long Arab winter into a new Arab Spring."
Has anyone questioned what the NDI was doing on the ground while the Arab streets were quiet and which voices were they really supporting, certainly not everyone's. And the Arab world is certainly not quiet anymore. Is that not against the United Nations general Assembly Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention and Interference in the Internal Affairs of States?
As far as we have seen they have financed, encouraged and supported an opposition in every Arab country, as if commanding the threat and swaying the revolt and yet when things go wrong pull back as if they were never involved at all.
For more than a quarter-century, the NDI and its siblings in the National Endowment for Democracy family have become vital elements of America's "engagement" with the world however the only real engagement to be seen has been disastrous and damaging. But not on American soil.
The West sells a veneer of a threat to lives and yet they fail to comprehend that the real threat stems from them.
The media propaganda will never report the chaos, the false marketed propaganda or an illusion fed to masses that lined the Arab streets via trained paid puppets that eventually may or may not benefit. Look at Tunisia today, what did they really achieve? They are disillusioned even more so now with lives lost for nothing more than a dream which brought them back to where they started...poverty. But you won't read about it.
Look at Libya, Iraq, Syria to name a few. Entire families gone, lives lost, children without parents, in the name of what? In the name of what?
Perhaps fifty years from now, if the world is still the world we know, the world will learn what really happened as classified files are released once the particular propagandists are no longer in position or power. And perhaps not..
A question to be asked is what difference has the stated term democracy or a vote made and can someone prove that a vote or the promoted term has bought about peace or real change?
Has it really bought freedom that they like to boast, export, encourage and spend numerous amounts of money and manpower on -leaving themselves and the rest of the world in debt - and yet have many limitations to?
I guess it has filled many elite accounts but what is the freedom they are really trying to sell that we didn't already have besides a vote and what difference has an elected society made to the people that go about their daily lives.
And then let's think about those who really run those democratic states as they like to be termed.
The Western figures with their major international media presence with the assistance of their bloggers that have held a hand in trying to promote democracy constantly tell us that "oppressed" people crave "democracy," and that only a democratic world will be free and peaceful and yet I have still seen people go out and demonstrate in the "free world" freely and we see the same "reactions to actions" in the West.
The Arab Agenda
Non-FictionJust remember one thing, whenever you read headlines by the mass media and you see they are only writing one side of the story, assisting one voice... it's an agenda. It could succeed, but it can also fail. The poor man suffers, while the rich man t...