Baby girl DDM

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Age 0 (not born yet)
"So, Rilee, what do you think the baby's gonna be?" Liam asks your little sister on their way to the ultrasound. Today they are going to find out if you're a boy or girl. "Um, a giwl!" He giggles at her pronunciation."Me too."

At the doctor's office•
"Rilee, honey, why don't you go play with the dolly you brought. Me and mummy need to talk. "Otay daddy." She skips off. Your mum slips her sweaty hand into your dad's. "Liam? I'm nervous." He looks at her. "About what, babe?" "What if the baby's not ok?" He smiles."Babe, their perfectly fine in there, I promise honey." She smiles at him. "Y/M/N Payne?" Your family stands up and follows the doctor.

Your mum lays down on the little table thingy and the nurse turns off the light. The ultrasound machine whirrs as it comes to life. The nurse squirts some blue jelly on her stomach and gets out the little wand. She puts it on her stomach as you appear on the screen. Your sisters eyes widen in amazement as she sees you move around. "Well, the baby's vitals look good. Do you want to know what the gender is?" Your mum looks to your dad before nodding her head and saying,"Yes we would." The nurse smiles and says, "Congratulations. You're having a baby girl!" Your family starts to get excited as your dad's eyes tear up and he hugs your mum. "Y/N. That's her name." Your mum says. The nurse smiles and wipes off the gel. "That's a beautiful name." She says. Your family thanks her and leaves.

At home, your mum and dad are cuddled up on the couch, your dad's head on her stomach. "Hey baby girl." He starts. "How is it in there? I bet it's pretty dark, huh? Me and mummy can't wait to meet you. You'll be here in only 4 short months. We got your nursery ready. I hope you like purple. It's so pretty, you're gonna love it. I love you, baby. Daddy and mummy love you." He finishes before giving your mum a kiss and going to go to bed.
I cried omg
Tell me about any mistakes
Love you all my butterflies

Liam Payne BSM, DDMWhere stories live. Discover now