Boyfriend DDM

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Personal for __always_okay__
Age 4
Liam's POV
"Daddy!" I heard my little angel yell at me as she ran over to me from school. I smiled. "Hey baby, how was school?" I asked as I picked her up and buckled her into her car seat. "It was grweat Daddy! We colorwed and drawled and I met this girwl named Amy!" I grinned at her as we pulled away from the preschool. "Hey Aliyah?" I asked her. "Yeah Daddy?" "You know how Daddy plays music right?" She nodded. I continued, "Well the people I play music with are at our house. Do you wanna meet them?" She nodded excitedly and giggled. This should be fun.

As soon as we got home, Aliyah was wiggling and squirming to get out of her car seat. I unbuckled her and she grabbed her backpack, bolting in the door. I smiled. As I walked inside, I saw her looking around shyly. I walked over to her and squatted down to her height. "You wanna meet them, baby?" She nodded and I picked her up. "Guys." I said, clearing my throat. "This is Aliyah." Her cheeks got red and she buried her head in my shoulder. A chorus of aww's sounded throughout the room.

Harry came up to me and grabbed her hand. "Why hello there! Do you wanna tell me your name?" She looked up and said, "Aliyah. What's yours mister?" He grinned and said, "Harry. But you can call me Hazza." She smiled and made grabby hands towards him. I gave her to him and she smiled, and asked Harry if he wanted to go play. Then, she dragged him up that stairs into her room.

A while later, I went up to see if Harry wanted to play FIFA, and I burst out laughing. Harry was sitting in one of Aliyah's chairs, which was way too small for him, and had on a princess crown and feather boa. He quickly got up, but sat back down when Aliyah looked at him sassily. "Sorry Princess Aliyah! May I be excused?" He asked in a posh voice. "Yes you may Sir Hazza." He smiled and stood up as Aliyah continued to play with her plush animals.

A while later, Aliyah came downstairs rubbing her eyes. I could tell she was tired. I held my arms open but instead she walked up to Harry and curled up in his lap. I pretended to be hurt. "Baby, don't you want Daddy's cuddles?" She shook her head sleepily. "Daddy, I wanna cuddle with Hazza. He's my boyfriend." My eyes went wide, as Harry stifled a laugh. He kissed her forehead as she went to sleep. "Don't worry Liam, I won't break her heart ." He joked as I picked up Aliyah and put her in her bed. "You better not date until after you're married."

Hope you like it Aliyah! Sorry if it kinda sucks but yanno, it's the best I could do!

Liam Payne BSM, DDMWhere stories live. Discover now