Wisdom Teeth BSM

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Age 16

"Y/N?" Your brother asked as he knocked on your door. You sniffled and let him in. "What's wrong, bug?" He said, taking a seat beside you on your bed. "Is it gonna hurt, Li?" You asked him, about the surgery you were about to have. He smiled. "No doll, it won't hurt at all. It might ache a bit after the anesthesia wears off, but noting you won't be able to manage." You managed a small smile, but truth is you were terrified. You'd always been a bit on the wimpy side and hated doctors and dentists. They scared you. He grabbed you hand, squeezing it gently. "You'll be ok, doll. It'll be ok." You hugged him and layed down to go to sleep, scared about the day to come.

~(spongebob voice) the next day~

You were literally shaking as you dressed yourself the next day. You put on a pair of white shorts and a black Twenty One Pilots t-shirt. You put your hair in a high ponytail and didn't put on any makeup, knowing you'd either end up crying or sweating it off. You put on your black Vans and walked downstairs. Liam pulled you into a hug and noticed you were shaking. "Y/N, darling, you'll be ok. I'll hold your hand." You walked to the car and buckled in, Liam getting in the back with you and holding your hand. You guy's mum got in and drove to the dentists office.

You sat in the waiting room chair and bounced your leg up and down, trying not to cry. The nurse came out, and called your name. Liam stood up with you and held your hand again as you walked in and sat in the chair. The smell of antiseptic was enough for Liam, so he kissed you forehead as they put the mask on you, and walked out. You felt a needle pierce your arm, and you were out.

Liam's POV

The nurse came out and told us that Y/N's surgery was over and she was awake. I walked in and sat in the chair beside her. "Liiiiaaaaammmm hey broooo howzit goin?" I had to stifle a laugh as she said that. "C- Can you get me a chhheeeseburger pleaseeee?" She asked. "No baby you can't eat a cheeseburger." She pouted. "Why not?" "Baby because you just got teeth pulled and your mouth is tender." "Nuh uh. I can still talk. See. Cocka doodle doo the cow says moo." She said, and giggled. "Moooooo. I'm a cow. Moooooo." The nurse smiled and put gauze in her mouth. "Hey! Swop tat." I ur on a straight face. "She can leave as soon as you sign these papers, ma'am." The nurse said to Mum. She signed them and helped Y/N up. She wobbled a bit before plopping down. "Hehe, I feww. Whoopthie" I helped her up and carried her to the car. I sat her in and bucked her up. She looked at me, and giggled. "What's so funny?" I asked her, amused. "Um, you, got a lil somfwing on youw nowse." I looked down and she tapped it. "Funny nowse." I laughed and climbed in beside her. She layed her head on my shoulder and fell asleep. Good thing I videotaped all of that. That'll make for a good prank video.

Loved writing this tbh

Liam Payne BSM, DDMWhere stories live. Discover now