"Bubby" BSM

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Age 1
"Karen, can we play with Y/N?" Harry asks your mum. "Yeah Harry, she's up in her crib. You can go get her." He smiles and walks upstairs and into your room.

You grip onto the sides of the railing and hoist yourself up to meet him. "Hey baby." He says softly and you smile. He picks you up and carries you to the living room where the rest of the boys are.

You see Liam and immediately make grabby hands, indicating you want him. Harry hands you to him and you cuddle to his warm chest. He gently pulls out your pacifier and you whimper, wanting it back. He shushes you and rubs your back soothingly. You quiet down as he sits you on the floor in front of him. You look at him expectantly, and he magically pulls a rattle from behind his back and you grab it, small giggles escaping your mouth as you shake it.

You see your mum and walk over to her. "Mama!" You say and she smiles, picking you up. "Liam, where's her pacifier?" She says and Liam hands it to her. "She's hungry, do you guys wanna feed her?" She asks and they all walk to the kitchen to feed you. Since Louis is your favorite, other than Liam, he gets to try feeding you first. Everyone knows how hard it is to feed you.

Your mum gives him the jar of smashed up apples and a baby spoon. She fastens you into your chair and puts a bib around your neck. He sticks the spoon in the apples and gets a scoop out. He airplanes the spoon to your mouth and you open up. You immediately spit it back at him. He groans and smiles. "Come on sweetie, when you're done we can go play." Your eyes widen and you behave for the rest of your meal.

After cleaning you, and Louis, up, Liam carries you into the living room. You get sat on the floor facing him. He gazes lovingly at you and starts talking. "Can you say Bubby?" He asks you, and you try to form the word in your mouth. "Buh- buh- bu-bby?" You get out, and he breaks into a grin. "MUM! SHE CALLD ME BUBBY!" Your mum rushes into the room, as you say your new word. "Bubby, Bubby, Bubby!"

Awwwwww I loved writing this <3

Liam Payne BSM, DDMWhere stories live. Discover now