You hide from him DDM

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Age 3
"Y/N! Time for your bath!" Your dad, Liam, yelled. Your small eyes went wide as he came down the stairs. "C'mere sweetheart." He said, you shaking your head. He starts to walk over to you. You run away from him screaming "NO BATH! NO BATH!" You go to his room and hide in his closet. He comes after you, but loses you after you run in his room. He goes into the bathroom to get the water started. "Cmon bug. Daddy has work to do." He calls, but you don't answer. He goes to find you when he hears the front door close. He panics and runs to the door. "Y/N Y/M/N Payne! Get in here now!" He screams but doesn't hear anything. "Baby! Please get inside now!" Still nothing. He turns on his phone flashlight and goes out of the house. All of a sudden, he hears your little giggle. He breathes out a sigh of relief but quickly gets angry you didn't listen to him. "Ok. I guess I'll just have to go inside and lock the door so Y/N can't get in." You gasp, not thinking he can hear you. He hears (of course) and runs over to the bush you are hiding behind. He grabs your arm, "Y/N! Don't EVER run away from me again. Ok?" You start to feel tears under your eyes and he softens up a bit. "Oh baby, I'm sorry. Come here." He says, and you walk over to him. He brings you into his embrace, and you cry into your dads shoulder. He stands up and carries you inside, and to the bathroom. He sits you down on the toilet. "No Daddy, no bath!" You say, whimpering. He shushes you and takes off your clothes. He sets you in the tub and gives you one of your dolls, silencing your whimpers and cries. He grabs the bath mitt (that's shaped like a duck :)) and squirts some body wash on it . He washes your body and then rinses you off. When he's done washing you, he lets you play for a little bit before standing you up and wrapping you in a towel. After he dries you and dresses you in your PJ's, he takes you into your room. "Goodnight baby girl. I love you." You smile as he places you under the covers and kisses you on the forehead. "I love you too, daddy." You say sleepily before drifting off to sleep.
How was it? Comment the mistakes or anything else, love to hear from you :)

Xx Maddie ❤️

Liam Payne BSM, DDMWhere stories live. Discover now