My Mate- The Possessive Alpha Male

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Well, hi! This is my first book on Wattpad, and I hope you enjoy! :) Not Edited :P

Please no copying! I'm sorry if it seems like I am copying, but this idea is original and I'm not stealing! Sorry if this chapter is short, I'm still learning, plus this is written on my phone, and this is more of a sample for whats to come! Thank you :)

Katlyn's POV

Today was the day! The Annual Teen Gathering! The Annual Teen Gathering came once a year, a day all (well, most of them I suppose...) teen werewolves waited for. A large party/gathering was held kind of as a get together, and all of the teens from a bunch of packs (rouges too, thats why I could come) would come and party and meet each other- also where a LOT of werewolves found their mates, as you can probably guess.

"Whew," I exhaled deeply, shaking my hands out by my sides, freaking out on the inside.

Nah, who am I kidding? I was squealing and bouncing up and down like a baby kangaroo with their feet tied to the ground. What a pleasant thought.

I got a grip of myself and brushed out my chestnut brown hair, with natural blonde highlights from the sun.

My thoughts were interrupted by Justin yelling, "Hey! Katlyn! You ready to go yet? It starts at 4:00 and it's already 3:20! We wanna get there early!" I rolled my eyes before yelling back, "Be there in a minute, stickler!" I heard an exaggerated scoff, leading up to, "I'm not a stickler!" I sniggered and headed over to him, looking at what he had on: a loose muscle shirt and green swim trunks. His messy black hair was tousled, making his bright blue eyes pop against his pale skin. He was VERY attractive- not that I'd ever consider him! He was just too much of a brotherly figure to me, and I knew the feeling was mutual, even though he was only one year older than me- his age being 19 and me 18. We chatted about how excited we were as we walked there. He decided to shift into his big black wolf, while I rode on his back carrying his clothes.

*At The Gathering*

"AAAAAAAND WELCOME! TO THE ANNUAL TEEN GATHERING! WHO'S EXCITED FOR TONIGHT?" The announcer called from a stage set up on the beach.

Howls and yells pierced through the salty evening air as the cool ocean breeze wafted by. "LET THE GATHERING COMMENCE!" He concluded, receiving another round of screams and such from the ginormous crowd.

Music began to play and Justin and I began to dance, me playfully grinding against him.

Caiden's POV:

I looked over myself one last time in the mirror, as my beta, Xander, and my left-hand-man/ 3rd in command, Matt, yanked me out of the pack house. These guys were like my brothers.

"Sooooo..." Matt began, "Ready to get some girls tonight?" I smiled. Typical Matt. Actually, typical all of us. Girls can't really refuse you, especially when you're alpha. Well, almost alpha. As soon as my 20th birthday hits, I'll get the position.

Xander took me out if my thoughts,

"Hell yeah! I can't wait!" I chuckled, "yeah I can see your aroused just thinking about all of the hot girls there!" He shoved me playfully as Matt let out a hardy laugh.

*At the gathering, after the introduction*

I was surrounded by girls grinding on me, and the night had just begun. But I smelled something... Different. Like wild flowers, salt air (not just because of the ocean), and a bit of chocolate. I hummed in appreciation, the scent was mouth watering! I shoved the girls away as my eyes landed on the most beautiful girl I'd even seen.

Her wavy, golden brown hair just half a foot below her shoulders, her nice light honey tan, and golden/auburn brownish eyes shining... Beauty beyond compare.

'Our Mate' my wolf sighed in complete adoration. I hummed in agreement. Instead of going up to her, I decided to observe first, taking a seat on the beach while she stripped herself of we coverup, showing off her flat stomach and off white strapless bikini, navy blue polka dots scattered around. I leaned back and sighed, thinking to myself how fun this would be.


Hope y'all liked! Comment or like if you enjoyed! Once again, sorry it's short! I dot know when I'll be updating next, but until then-

The Mushroom Master is out!

My Mate- The Possessive Alpha MaleWhere stories live. Discover now