Chapter four: Envy

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# I imagine Krista kind of this but with black soft curls and eye bit light electric blue.


2days later on Friday....

"Hey Alex! How you doing?" I can imagine him smiling wide right now.

"Great Krista! What about you?" his voice was amused...

"I'm good"

"So anything important for that princesses herself called me?" He asked me sarcastically..

"Oh Alex! don't be so dramatic," I giggled...

"Okay Krista," he said in defeat "so what's the matter?"

"Oh ya! We are going club tomorrow, will you accompany me?"

"Are you serious?" he was shocked by my invitation cause he knew I party but I lately never called him, "Oh you are! Of course! Why not? Ever ready for you princess."

I calmly replied, "Cool see you then in college. Bye. "

"Bye Krista, See you. Have a nice day!"

It was not surprise for me, him to act this way but IT WAS for him. He's my class mate in masters. I know he likes me but he's kind of good and cute guy I have met so I didn't cut off our contact. So he's the only a guy who is friend in my college. Oh did forgot to tell you. I go to college. I'm doing my masters. It's not like studying! Its all about magic, powers also studying but about science,psychology,physical education etc etc. Which can actually help me improve my skills but its only some students who are eligible to learn. You have to give lot of exams for this and evil heart can never clear those exams.
And I'm the strongest vampires, my professor says so. I have only some classmates i.e. Nelly,Alex are one of them.
Alex is nice friend but I know he likes me or may be more than that but he knows I'm not in to all those things right now. He had asked me out for a date also which we enjoyed but then he said he likes me so I stopped dating him more so that he's not carrying any false hope.
Nelly thinks I should give him a chance.....

Message from Dad 'In my study in 2mins.'

After reading message I made my way to his study.

As I reached outside door as usual without required of knocking he said come in.

"Morning father!" I greeted him while walking in.

"Morning dear, I have important thing to tell you," He said coldly.

I nodded and gave me him a look that say 'go-on-I'm-listening.'

"Christiana told me ...about incident with Ben, he tried getting close to you, then he attacked you also but he end up being injured, there you had a choice you let him die and get rid off but you were brave, you helped him using using your gift. I am impressed by you and you gave him a chance, but he didn't valued it. Doing something that he shouldn't have done if he is at least interested to be with you or at least become king. So I had small meeting with Mr. Parker and he said his son is still acting child but you know Krista I love you so I thought.... dropping idea of you two being together.

My eyes lit up, it would look like a small blue light bulb having white light inside my eyes and I smiled but it dropped cause of thinking why did he paused??? and what he meant by he thought?? Oh my god! Is gonna say I'm still stucked?? No No jeez I crossed my fingers.

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