Chapter Eleven: Finding Truth

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Dedicated to BeautyAamna

Did you guys miss me?
Well, now that I'm back, I'll make sure you do.

So I have got an update plus some NEWS.

Firstly, Thanks to all those silent readers(I can feel you guys smiling silently*chuckles*) and Special Thanks to active ones. Without y'all it won't have been possible to get 1000 reads, votes and comments. So yes thanks to everyone out there who is reading my book and had patience to continue this book to reach this part.

I know it took me very long to update bc I had exams.

Now coming to NEWS part,
I have one good news and other one maybe little sad but let's see, shall we?

1. Updates would be frequent from now onwards and that means almost TWO updates every week.

2. I have noticed that my chapter lengths were really uneven so now it would revolve around 1200-1700.(is it a sad news? Maybe for who likes long chapters, do tell me if you want me to write big chapters)[this chp. including notes and everything is 1645 words]


Recap :

We drove to Nelly's palace in Dad's Limo. Guards and Ken following us. Dad asked me have I met him and what I think about him. I just shrugged off cause I can't say he's good so that he will be relaxed or if say I find him suspicious than he'll be confronted, I didn't wanted that either. I excused myself before going in. I needed to check with Ken before David and dad excepts him. I asked Ken to stay while dismissing others.


"I didn't found anything wrong with him princess," He answered my unasked question.

"I really felt that there is something wrong with him. Hope I'm just over thinking and everything is right about him," I said walking in with Ken. Other than being my personal guard and friend, he treats me like his little sister.
I said this but still I couldn't place my trust cause I am so unsure about it. I thought now its time that I have to get information from his head. So I formed a plan in my mind whilst walking in, Plan was simple: make him fear so that he'll think about things he's been hiding and I'll get know it.

Greeting everyone out there and giving glare to Tom, as I wanted him to fear me so to know things he's hiding or at least memories would be easily accessible, we proceeded to dine. Everyone was already seated, His parents were also looking good in formal attire.

He was center of attraction, talking to everyone, Nelly's family even Mom, Dad, he was busy in replies, didn't had enough space for fearing and thinking/ talking to himself. His parents were seeming to be nice peoples. I heard their thoughts, it was like they were happy for their son, Nelly is really nice girl and they were so fortunate that their daughter in law would be royal. So they have relations with royals and even king's family. I just chose to ignore, it wasn't really giving me anything important other than assurance that Nelly can go and stay if she wants to, I mean they would treat her like princess the one she is.

I again glared Tom when our eyes met he thought,'Why is she looking at me so suspiciously-'

Before he could have continued with his train of thoughts,Nelly placed her hands on his shoulder.

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