Chapter 1~Teenage Dream

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-Beep beep-
-Beep beep-

I smashed the snooze button on my alarm clock. I groaned and sat up. I stretched and scratched my head. "First day at a new high school..Fucking great."

I got up and walked to the bathroom. I grabbed my tooth paste and my toothbrush and started brushing my teeth."And I'm a Junior this year. That's always awesome. Everyone is probably going to think I'm weird." I spat, and dried my mouth.

"Why did we have to move? I was popular at my old school!" I walked to my closet and found my uniform."This is bullshit, why do we have to wear uniforms?!" I put it on. "Seriously, this shirt is so tight around my boobs, i wont be suprised if the buttons pop off." I chuckled at my own joke.

I made my way downstairs and found my older sister cooking breakfast."Good Morning sleepy head! I'm suprised you didn't sleep in till noon." She chuckled and continued her cooking.

I went to the fridge and grabbed a bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit."I need to get going sis, i'll call you after school." I slipped on my heels and grabbed my bag."Don't forget the school is having Volleyball Tryouts tomorrow!" She shouted.

I walked out and made my way to my car. "I can't believe through all the stressing, I forgot about Volleyball tryouts!" I tuned the radio to 101.5 and the song,"Trap Queen" was on. I sang the whole ride to school. I had a moment where I forgot about all the stress and everything that was happening.

I finally arrived at school and I parked next to the entrance. I got out and made my way to the front doors."Damn, this place is huge! I hope I don't get lost!" I approached the front office and the principal noticed me instantly."Why hello! You must be (Your first name and last name)! Its a pleasure to have you join our school!"

Her eagerness got me a little off guard, but it was kind of funny. "Yes, im (y/n)." She handed me my schedule."These are your classes!" I nodded and checked the schedule.

1st semester

Teacher: Ms.Vanet
Room: 304
1st period: Spanish 8:05-8:55am

Teacher: Mrs.Lober
Room: 307
2nd period: English/
Literature 9:00-9:45am

Teacher: Mr.Web
Room: Gym
3rd period: Physical Education(P.E) 9:55-10:40am

Teacher: Mr. Todd
Room: 301
4th period: Geography 10:45-11:30am

Teacher: Mrs.Ben
Room: 312
5th period: Chemistry/Science 11:35-12:05

6th period: Lunch/ Free
Room: Cafeteria
Time 12:10-12:45

Teacher: Mr.Fischbach
Room: 423
7th period: Algebra 4 12:50-1:50

Teacher: Mrs.Riley
Room: 302
8th period: Language Arts 1:55-2:30

9th period Study hall
Room: 309

The schedule was pretty simple, in my opinion. "Now go on, you don't want to be late for your first class." She smiled. I nodded I made my way down the ginormous halls, filled with lockers,posters, and bulletins.

I finally made it to Room 304. I walked in and everyone stared at me. The teacher was very pretty. She seemed nice."Why hello! You must be (y/l/n), please take a seat anywhere you like." She chirped. I smiled and sat in the middle of the class. This girl next to me was the first notice me and say something.

"Hello! I'm Paige! What's your name?" I smiled."My name is (y/n)." She smiled and nodded. "CLASS! Pay attention! Today we are going to learn colors." Paige leaned towards me and whispered,"Do you want to be friends?" I smiled and nodded. "Wow, my first actual friend here. Today might not be so bad at all."

The day dragged on after that. Finally, it was after lunch and it was time for Algebra! I absolutely love Math! I basically ran to the classroom. I sat down and noticed no one else was coming to class yet."It is 12:45, Maybe some people are taking a little bit."

I waited till the final bell rang. No one else was here. I was on my phone checking Instagram, when i heard the door slam shut. I spun around and saw my teacher closing the door and ..locking it?

He is very attractive. His long, black hair. His brown eyes. He is very muscular, I can tell. His shirt can barely hold his muscles in. "Good Afternoon Ms.(y/l/n). I am Mr.Fischbach. You may be wondering why you are the only student in this class. Yes, you have a higher IQ in Algebra than the rest of your classmates, so the school system doesn't want you..Dragging along in classes, so they asked me to teach you, personally."

I gulped at how the words rolled off his tongue. It gave me a warm, tingling feeling inside. "Now, We are going to learn about Slopes." I could barely concentrate, he was The problem was, he was probably like 30 years old. I'm only 16, it would never work out. "So..Mr.Fischbach, how old are you?"

He arched his brow and turned around."Why, I'm only 26." My mouth went dry at those 4 words. "y-your ONLY twenty-six?!" He nodded. I definitely have a chance with him now, but he's so attractive. He has to have a girlfriend.

"D-do you have a girlfriend?" He stopped his movement. He turned around slowly. "Are we in some kind of police interrogation? Please I hate it when a student asks so many questions. You are staying after class, for being so rude!"

I frowned and put my head down. "Yes i am single." He sighed. My heart beat increased to one thousand beats per minute. I immediately thought of a plan to "tease him".

When Mr.Fischbach was turned around, I unbuttoned two buttons from the top of my shirt, to show a little bit of my cleavage. I took my hair out of my pony-tail and fixed it, so it looked nice. Then I started copying the notes, he was writing. Occasionally biting my lip, when he turned around.

"For homework you will do page 327, numbers 1-27" when he turned around, I saw him staring at me. But he immediately shook it off and sat at his desk. I frowned and started working.

After awhile, the bell rang for my next class. I gathered my things and i got up. "excuse me, Ms.(y/l/n) where do you think your going?" The way he said those words, made my legs grow weak. "I have to go to Language." I squeaked. He got up and pushed me back into the desk. He took my things and set them on my desk.

"Oh ms.(y/l/n) you think your so slick." I arched my brow."Why do you mean sir?" He gave a dirty grin and chuckled."I saw you unbuttoning your blouse,showing your beautiful cleavage. Then you letting (y/ hc) down. It made you look very sexy." I swallowed the lump in my throat. He walked towards my desk.

"Your teasing is very adorable, but I can show you so much more." He brushed his lips against my neck, very close to my ear. He bit and pulled on my ear lobe. Letting a small moan escape."S-sir what are you doing?" He moved his lips down and whispered,"Playing your little game. Because There is only one winner. And it will be me."


I really hoped you enjoyed this story! I won't be able to update it very often because im still writing Choices.

Love, Shelbi👑

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