Chapter 16

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[I'm so sorry for how long it's been since I last wrote, I will try my best to get back into the groove of things.]

i woke up to the sound of sizzling. I open my eyes viewing a bright room, I squinted them so they could adjust. I sat up and put on a T-Shirt with ,"Fischbach" on the back of it. I walked out and saw Mark cooking. "Good morning (y/n)" he smiled. I smiled back. "Good Morning." I walked over and checked my phone and saw that Séan uploaded a video. My smile turned into a sigh as I turned off my phone and sat at the counter.

I couldn't stop thinking about Séan. I knew it was wrong but I just couldn't. I need to move on. I looked up and saw a plate full of delicious food. "Thank you Mark" I smiled as I started to eat. "No Problem Babe" he smiled back. He sat next to me and we started eating. He then sat up straight and grabbed my hand. "(y/n)?"

I swallowed and looked deep into his eyes. "Yes,Mark?" He seemed nervous. I was nervous.
He clicked his tongue and said,"I've thought about this for awhile but I think this is the right time to ask." I started thinking,"What if he asks to Marry me?! I'm too young to get married." He then gulped."I was wondering if our relationship could become maybe more serious after you graduate..."

I was emotionless. "What are you saying Mark?" My eyes began to water. "Our relationship now is risking you going to the school and me keeping my job there. I think it would be best if we would wait until after you graduated to be more serious." I sniffled, I didn't understand. I thought he loved me. "So all this were just using me?" My voice grew a bit. I was more upset than angry.

"No no! I love you (y/n), but our relationship is putting my job and your student career at risk! I need you to understand from an adult's point of view." I let that sentence sink in,"...understand from an adult's point of view.." I grew angry by the second. I ripped my hand away. "so what! Am I just some sort of kid to you now?" Mark got up and walked towards me."No! That's not what I meant. Please just understand the situation (y/n). I do love you."

My eyes were filled with tears. I grabbed my phone and ran out the door. The farther I ran, the fainter Mark's voice was getting. I'm not sure where I'm going but I'm going as far as I can away from Mark. I couldn't stand to see him right now. I needed some comfort but I don't know where. I kept running until I ran into someone. We both fell. He dropped all of this papers and I saw black coffee splash everywhere.

The world was spinning, then I looked up and saw Séan. I tried not to make eye contact. "I'm so sorry Séan, are you o-okay?" He looked down,"It's fine. Are you okay is the real question." I tried to hold it together knowing that it's pointless to just break down again. "I-I'm okay...I.." I choked on tears trying to speak and next thing you know I'm crying again. Séan pulled me into a tight embrace. "Come on, let's get you out of this rain."

We walked our way back to his house. We were both soaked."Here I have a shirt you can wear while your clothes dry." He went into his bedroom as I stood in his doorway. All these memories of Mark and I keep flashing in my memories. I couldn't handle seeing them. "Come on (y/n) you need to move on. He isn't worth it." I must if said those words out loud because Séan came out with no shirt on and asked me what I was talking about. I just shook my head and looked away.

"I didn't have any pants for you to wear so you can just wear this shirt." I smiled and went to the bathroom to change. I slipped off my wet clothes and hung them over the shower railing and slipped on his shirt. My butt was kinda hanging out but its not that bad. I walked out and I saw him staring.  I giggled. "What are you looking at?" He grinned and walked towards me. "You" His words curled off his tongue making my legs weak. I bit my lip and thought to myself," is this too soon??"

He pushed me against the wall and I looked into his crystal blue eyes. They were a little darker than usual. They were filled with lust. He kissed my lips softly. I kissed back. I felt wrong but I shouldn't because Mark broke my heart and I think Séan will fix it..maybe. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he cupped my cheek and smiled between the kiss.

I felt happy. I felt safe. Is this what I want? He pulled away and smiled. "What are you so smiley about?" I asked. He just snickered. "You just have been the woman I want. You're absolutely beautiful in every aspect. Your smile is so beautiful it makes my heart beat fast. Your personality could kill anyone. You're just perfect." I felt my face getting hot. I felt a butterfly feeling in my stomach. It felt good.

He picked me up and carried me to the bedroom and kissed my neck. He looked back up and whispered in my ear,"Do you want to do this?"

anyways hello yes I'm back. So do you want to do this or no?😉

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