The Witch:Part One

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TheWitch: Part 1


I sat in the library touching up my make-up and listening amused asGiles ranted

"Thisis madness! What can you have been thinking? You are the Slayer!Lives depend upon you!" he began to pace "I make allowances foryour youth, but I expect a certain amount of responsibility, andinstead of which you enslave yourself to this, this..." he stoppedpacing "Cult?" I looked up at Buffy who was wearing the schoolcheerleading uniform
"You don't like the colour?" she askedpouting, holding up the pompoms
"I d..." he sighed inexasperation "Do you, um..." Giles put some books on a cart "Doyou ignore everything I say as a, as a rule?"
"No, I believethat's your trick."
Giles pushed the cart to the counter. Buffyskipped in front of him and posed.
"I told you, I'm trying outfor the cheerleading squad!" she smiled brightly, making me roll myeyes, I hated cheerleading...although the outfits are prettysexy...depending on the outfit of course.
"You have a sacredbirthright, Buffy. You were chosen to destroy vampires, not to...wave pompoms at people. And as the Watcher I forbid it." Gileswalked back over to me and I winked at him making him flush, he'sbeen flushing more since our encounter in the library two weeksago
"And you'll be stopping me how?" Buffy askedsmirking
"Well, I..." he sat on table beside me and crossedhis arms "By appealing to your common sense, if such a creatureexists." I giggled, earning a dirty look from Buffy
"I willstill have time to fight the forces of evil, okay? I just wanna havea life, I wanna do something normal. Something safe." Buffy toldhim.
She turned and left presumably going to the tryouts.
Ilooked at Giles and smiled
"Well, I should get going as well"I put my make-up away and stood up facing him "I don't want to missthis" I bit my lip cutely and walked to the doors. I looked back atmy handsome librarian and blew him a kiss making him look down shyly.I giggled and left meeting up with the others outside thegym.

Buffy, Willow, Xander and I walked through the door tothe gym.
"Giles didn't approve, huh?" Willow askedsympathetically
"He totally lost his water. We haven't seen avampire in over a week. I'd say he should get a girlfriend if hewasn't so old." Buffy said
"He's not old" I glared "He'sexperienced." I smirked to myself "And I would just lovetofind out just how experienced he is"
Buffy looked at medisgusted while Willow blushed brightly as she always did whenever Italked about things of a sexual nature
"Well, we're behind you."Willow told Buffy going back to our conversion "People scoff atthings like school spirit, but look at these girls giving their alllike this!" Xander noticed Amber doing the splits between twochairs and started to door a little "Ooo, stretchy! Where wasI?"
"You were pretending that seeing scantily clad girls inrevealing postures was a spiritual experience." Willow lookedslightly saddened by Xander's gaze
"Who said I was pretending?"he turned to Buffy "Oh, hey! Here's a good luck thing for tryouts."he handed her a bracelet
"What's this?" Buffy took it with akind smile
"What's that?" Willow asked worried
"Aww, howsweet!" Buffy read the inscription "'Yours Always.'"
Willowand I looked at Xander with completely different looks. Willow's gazewas sad, but mine was filled with amusement and anger forWillow
"I-i-it came that way, really, they all said that!"Xander flushed I heard Willow exhale with relief beside me andfrowned, she should really find someone else who will pay her theattention she needs
"Just look at that Amber." sneeredCordelia who had just walked up "Who does she think she is, a LakerGirl?"
"I heard she turned them down." I said smirking Joy,the cheerleading squad leader, stepped up with her clipboard andcalled for everyone's attention. "Okay, listen up! Let's beginwith" Joy checked her list "Amber Grove. If you're notauditioning, move off the floor."

Willowlooked past us "Amy! Hi!" she chirped

Weturned to a blonde girl;Amy walking towards us. Amy was really shy,but she was a good friend
"Hi!" Amy waved nervously
"Ididn't know you wanted to be a cheerleader! You lost a lot ofweight." Willow told her
"Had to." Amy's eyes shifted to hefeet making me look at her with pity. I must suck ass to have amother like hers.
"Do you know Buffy?" Willow introduced
"Hi."Amy looked at Buffy
"Hi." Buffy smiled
Amy turned back tothe try out "Oh, how I hate this, let me count the ways."
Amberbegan her routine. It was very athletic. She started off with aneedle-split lift followed by a double spin and a jumping doublespin. Once she landed, Amber launched herself into an aerial and acartwheel. Jazz slides are then followed by a single spin. Everyonein the gym was intent on watching her. "She trained with Benson.He's one of the best coaches money can buy." Amy whispered toBuffy
"They have cheerleading coaches?" Buffy's eyeswidened
"Oh, yeah! Don't you have? I train with my mom, threehours in the morning, three at night." Amy boasted slightly
"Hmm,that much quality time with my mom would probably lead to somequality matricide."
"Oh, I know it's hokey. But she's reallygreat." Amy smiled but I could see through it.

Cordeliaturned her back to Amber with a look of contempt on her face.
"Hmm!"she huffed
Buffy and Xander watched Amber in amazement. Amy andWillow were impressed, too. I just looked bored, but my expressionchanged when Amber's hands began to smoke.
"What the...?"Buffy started
"That girl's on fire!" Willow exclaimed
"Enoughof the hyperbole!" Cordelia who was still facing away snarledAmber's hands caught fire, she dropped her pompoms and screamed. Igaped at Amber while Buffy jumped onto the stands and pulled down abanner before jumping back down and rushing over to Amber who wasflailing her arms in the air. Buffy knocked Amber over and patted herdown with the banner while the rest of us sat in shock
"It'sokay, it's okay, you're gonna be... okay." we heard Buffy try tocomfort Amber who was now whimpering loudly "God!" Buffywhispered to herself 

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