The Witch:Part Four

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 I was standing in the corridor with Xander an Willow the next day when Cordelia walked past us in some kind of daze.

"Cordelia, you haven't been mean to me all day. Is it something I've done?" Xander turned to Willow "Okay, see how she has no clue that I'm even a mammal, much less a human being?"

Willow took the pen out of her mouth "I see that."

Xander nodded "This is the invisible man syndrome. A blessing in Cordelia's case. A curse in Buffy's." Willow and I closed our lockers

"You're not invisible to Buffy." Willow said as she chewed on her pen

"He kind of is" I said as we walked down the hall

"It's worse! I'm just like a part of the scenery, like an old shoe. Or a rug that you walk on every day but don't even really see it-" Xander ranted

Willow took the en out of her mouth "-Like a pen that's all chewed up, and you know you should throw it away, but you don't, not 'cause you like it so much, more 'cause you're just used to-"

"Will, yeah, that is the point, you don't have to drive it through my head like a rail road spike. I'm gonna take your advice and not beat around the bush."

"Or I could be wrong! Maybe you should beat around the bush more." Willow said quickly making me shake my head

"Nah, I gotta be a man and ask her out. Y'know, I gotta stop giving her ID bracelets, uh, subtle innuendoes, taking Polaroids outside of her bedroom window late at night, that last part is a joke to relieve the tension because here she comes." Xander nodded towards were Buffy was leaving her classroom and making her way towards us. "Okay, into battle I go." he turned to us in a panic "Would you ask her out for me?" he gripped our shoulders, startling both of us before he pulled himself together.

I looked over at Cordelia and frowned when I saw her struggling with a locker that I'm pretty sure wasn't hers.

"No. Man." Xander let us go "Me battle." he turned to Buffy "Buffy! Would you like to, uh..." I smirked when Xander stuttered

"Is that even Cordelia's locker?" Buffy asked pointing over her shoulder at Cordelia who gave up on the locker and wandered down the hall, keeping her hand on the lockers "Huh? Oh, I don't know. What I'm saying is accompany me Friday night..." I looked at Xander with sympathy when I noticed that Buffy was too busy watching Cordelia to listen to him.

"Xander, I have to, um..." she turned to him "We can make this up later. You don't mind, do you?" Buffy passed Xander her book before she followed Cordelia. I bit my lip before I re-opened my locker and put my bag and books him, I turned and ran after Buffy. I may not like Cordelia, but something strange was happening and with that witch casting harmful spells...well Cordelia's not acting like herself.

"Buffy!" I called as I caught up with her outside

"What are you doing here?" she asked as we looked around for the brunette

"Better to have a witch with you if something happens" I said before I spotted our target. I tapped Buffy and we began to follow her. We watched concerned when Cordelia got into a car with Mr. Pole the driving instructor, my eyes widened when the car took off backwards, crashes into some signs and stopped before they shot off again forwards making the tires burn. Cordelia lost control and the car raced along the course, knocking down cones and signs. Buffy and I looked at each other before we took off after them before they crashed

"Brakes! Brakes!" we heard Mr. Pole yell as the car crashed through a fence and onto the street before it came to a halt just as another car swerved around them

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2016 ⏰

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