The Witch:Part Three

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I walked through the hallways with Willow, hugging my school books to my chest and my heels clicking on the floor. While Buffy was in cheerleading tryouts I spent the time in the Library teasing Giles as normal. It's fun watching him try not to stare at my bare legs, he is a gentleman though. He would never act on his desires despite any feelings he may feel for me.

"So, what did you get up to last night?" Willow asked as we walked along

"Nothing much" I lied "Hung out with my parents and..." I trailed off as Willow looked at me

"And what?" she asked

"I got a call from a certain guy" I smirked as Willow squealed. I had been on and off with this college guy for a few months. It didn't mean anything it was just sex, but Willow seems to think we're in love or something. She's so cute and naive. "Justin called you!?" Willow clapped her hands

"Calm Down" I laughed "I'm not getting back with him, we were never together it was" I shrugged and giggled when Willow turned red.

"Hey there's Buffy and Amy" I said as I spotted the two talking near the awards cabinet

"Hey, Amy!" Willow smiled, but It vanished as Amy stormed away "Is she okay?" she asked Buffy who looked concerned "No, she's, she's wiggin' about her mom, big cheer queen back when." Buffy said

"Yeah, her mom's kinda..."

"...Nazi like?" Willow nodded

"Heil. If she gains an ounce she padlocks the fridge and won't eat anything but broth." Willow said

"So, mommy dearest is really... Mommy Dearest?"

"You have no idea" I said "Her mom freaks me out"

"There's a bitter streak. But Amy's nice. We used to hang in Junior High. When her mom would go on a broth kick, Amy'd come over to my house and we'd stuff ourselves with brownies!" Willow grinned as we started to walk down the hall.

"Hey, any word on Amber?" Buffy asked

"Nothing thrilling. Average student. Got detention once, for smoking. Regular smoking... with a cigarette, not, like, being smoky."


"All pretty normal."

"So we just have to wait and we'll see what happens. Maybe nothing will." Buffy shrugged

Willow, Xander and I walked along the halls outside.

"I told Buffy about Amber." Willow told Xander

"Cool! Was she wearin' it? The bracelet, she was wearin' it, right? Pretty much like we're goin' out." Xander rambled with a large grin

"Except without the hugging or kissing or her knowing about it." Willow said

"And without sex" I giggled as both of them blushed and stuttered

"So I'm just a figure of fun." Xander exhaled "I should ask her out, right?"

"You won't know till you ask." Willow told him

"So that's never right" I smirked as Xander glared at me "What? You know it's true. You'll never ask" Ignoring me Xander turned back to Willow

"That's why you're so cool! You're like a guy! You're my guy friend that knows about girl stuff!"

"Oh, great. I'm a guy." Willow sighed disappointed so I rubbed her shoulder looking at her with sympathy

"Oh, hey, they're posting the list!" Xander exclaimed before he ran off to see who made cheerleader.

Buffy and Amy stood at the back of the crowned surrounding Joy who was putting up the list. The watched with pity as a girl ran passed them in tears because she didn't make it

"I can't take this." Amy said worried Joy stepped away from the bulletin board and Lishanne stepped up and found her name on the list.

"Yes!" she squealed before she walked away. Xander came up behind Buffy and Amy as Willow and I stayed behind

"Cover me, I'm goin' in." he said as he pushed his way through the crowd to look at the list. Willow and I stood beside Buffy and Amy as Cordelia approached us

"You're lucky!" she told Amy who looked shocked

"I made it?" Amy asked stunned

"I made it!" Cordelia smirked smugly as Xander came back, I laughed as a girl hit him

"One of those girls hit me really hard! You should test for steroids." he turned to Buffy and Amy "Okay, not only did you make the team, but you, Miss Summers, are the first alternate, and Amy's number three." he grinned as Willow and I shook our heads at Xander's stupidity. Amy looked at Buffy disappointed before she left

"And what a better way to celebrate than with a romantic drive through..." Xander trailed off looking at our facial expressions

"Xander, alternates are the ones who didn't make the team, they only fill in if something happens to the ones who did." Willow explained

"Excuse me." Buffy said before she left probably to console Amy

"For I am Xander, King of Cretins. May all lesser cretins bow before me." Xander shook his head at himself as I patted his shoulder and we walked away.

Unknown Place. After School. There was a bubbling cauldron and some personal items on the table. An unknown figure stirred the cauldron

"Give me the power. Give me the dark." the figure said before they walked to get a doll from the rack "I call on you, the laughing gods." she yanked one of the dolls off of the rack "Let your blackness crawl beneath my skin." she wrapped Cordelia's scrunchie around the dolls head "Accept thy sacrifice... of Cordelia. Feed on her." they finished as they dropped the doll into the brew.

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