The Witch:Part Two

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Chapter Nine

The Witch: Part 2

*Narcissa POV*

We sat in the library, Buffy was pacing while Willow, Xander and I sat at the study table

"I've been slaying vampires for more than a year now, and I have seen some pretty cringeworthy things, but... nobody's hands ever got toasted before." Buffy said

"I imagine not." Giles said coming out of the cage

"So, this isn't a vampire problem." Buffy stated folding her arms


"But it is funky, right? Not of the norm?" Buffy asked

"Quite. Spontaneous human combustion is, is rare, and, and scientifically unexplainable, but there have been cases for hundreds of years. Usually all that's left is a pile of ashes." Giles explained

"That's all that would have been left if it hadn't been for Buffy." Willow said

"So, we have no idea what caused this. That's a comfort." Xander said sarcastically

"But that's the thrill of living on the Hellmouth!" Giles at on table beside me "There's a veritable cornucopia of, of fiends and devils and, and ghouls to engage." we all looked at him "Pardon me for finding the glass half full."

"Any common denominators in cases of spontaneous combustion?" Buffy asked

"Uh, rage. In most cases the person who combusted was, was terribly angry or, or upset." Giles said

"So maybe Amber's got this power to make herself be on fire. It's like the human torch, only it hurts." Xander said

"That would mean she was a witch" I said making them look at me. I rolled my eyes "Come on guys, a girl catches fire during cheerleading tryouts. Use your brains!"

Buffy thought for a moment before speaking

"I need to get the skinny on Amber. Find out if she's had any colourful episodes before." she turned to leave

"That means hacking illegally into the school's computer system. At last, something I can do!" Willow grinned excitedly

She and Xander got up and walked over to Buffy.

"I'll ask around about her." Xander nodded

"You guys don't have to get involved." Buffy said

"What d'ya mean? We're a team! Aren't we a team?" Xander asked

"Yeah! You're the Slayer, and we're, like, the Slayerettes!" Willow smiled

"Speak for yourself" I scoffed while I played with my hair

"I just don't like putting you guys in danger." Buffy ignored me and spoke to Xander and Willow

"Oh, huh, I laugh in the face of danger. Then I hide until it goes away." Xander joked causing me to snort

"Okay, just walk softly, at least until we know a little more. I mean, what if Amber isn't causing these problems herself?" Buffy asked

"Well, then we have to determine who or what did, and, uh, deal with it accordingly." Giles told us.

I sat on the counter in the kitchen later that evening, telling my parents what had happened

"I just don't understand" I groaned as dad cooked and mom set the table

"Why couldn't I sense another witch before?"

"Sweetie" Mom began "You know that your powers are blocked. I mean how many times has some of your powers stopped working. This will keep happening until you hit 18"

"It sucks!" I exclaimed getting off the counter to get some drinks "I have all these powers and some of them I can't use properly"

"Honey, every pureblooded witch or warlock goes through what you do at your age...with the exception of the many powers you have."

"Why can't I tell them the truth?" I whispered "I had to lie to them. All of them!"

"Baby, our kind are hunted down for our natural powers" dad said soothingly "Slayers have cut down our kind as if we were nothing but demons"

"Giles, her Watcher isn't like that" I told them

"Sweetie, let it go. No one can know that we are Purebloods" Mom stroked my hair as I nodded quietly. As much as I hate lying to my friends, mom and dad are right, I can't risk my family. I smiled at my parents and we sat down to eat.

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